Diversity & Inclusion
1025 Walnut Street
College Building, Room 119
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Diversity Developments at SKMC
May 2020: Lisette Martinez joined Thomas Jefferson University as Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer. She was brought in to lead the vision for diversity and inclusion for the organization.
Spring 2020: Sexual and Gender Minority Education and Training (SGMET) pilot was completed. This TJU faculty development program (created and developed by faculty in the Jefferson College of Rehabilitation Sciences) will teach faculty to better provide sexual and gender minority inclusive teaching. It will be offered to the university as a whole in the Fall of 2020.
September 2019: A team of unconscious bias educators was created to provide education to the TJU academic community. Five members attended the Cook Ross, Inc., Train-the-Trainer course in unconscious bias. The primary focus is educating all TJU faculty on this topic.
June 2020: A group of SKMC education leaders created an Anti-Racism curriculum to be incorporated into the JeffMD curriculum beginning July 2020.January 2018: SKMC hosted the Latino Medical Students Association Regional Meeting. Over 200 students, residents and faculty attended the two-day event that involved didactics, small group and research poster sessions
January 2020: SKMC hosted the Student National Medical Association Regional Medical Education Conference. Students, residents and faculty attended an all-day event with didactics, interactive workshops and discussion sessions.
2019: The Algernon B. Jackson Scholarship was established and provides up to 11 full tuition scholarships per year for underrepresented minority students accepted to SKMC.
January 2018: SKMC hosted the Latino Medical Students Association Regional Meeting. Over 200 students, residents and faculty attended the two-day event that involved didactics, small group and research poster sessions.
June 2020: The sixth annual Jefferson STEP-UP (Summer Training and Enrichment Program for Underrepresented Person) Medicine program was conducted in a virtual format. This two-month academic enrichment program had been a residential program for the previous five offerings.
June 2020: A Philadelphia couple has funded the first LGBTQ scholarship at Jefferson.
2019: Jefferson established the Philadelphia Collaborative for Health Equity (PCHE) in 2019 to bring together multiple stakeholders to achieve health equity in the city of Philadelphia.