Diversity & Inclusion
1025 Walnut Street
College Building, Room 119
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Antiracism/Antibias Curriculum
The Graduate Medical Education Anti-racism/Anti-bias Curriculum is designed to provide the resident physician with the knowledge and tools in inclusive interpersonal skills and health disparities, is incorporated into the residency education curriculum. There are two components: the Foundational Curriculum and the Specialty-Specific Health Disparities Curriculum.
The Foundational Curriculum is a standard program created for all TJUH residency programs and includes:
- Unconscious Bias and Its Role in Interpersonal Interactions
- Microaggressions in Healthcare
- Social Determinants of Health
- Structural Racism in Medicine
The Specialty-Specific Health Disparities Curriculum builds on the Foundational Curriculum. Developed by each department, topics in health disparities is delivered through journal clubs, resident conferences and department grand rounds.