Undergraduate Medical Education
Students learn in an integrated system model, in which scientific principles of normal and abnormal human structure and function are woven longitudinally through the four-year curriculum as “Threads” rather than as separate courses. Thread content builds in breadth and complexity as students’ knowledge and skills develop over the three phases. The JeffMD Threads are:
Anatomy, Histology & Embryology - Gross and microscopic anatomy as well as embryology are integrated into organ-system blocks during Phase 1. One-two weeks of gross dissection labs occur during each block. For example, dissection of the thorax including the heart and lungs occurs during the Cardiopulmonary block.
Biochemistry, Cell Biology & Nutrition - Focus is on the basic cellular structure necessary for understanding the molecular composition of living cells as well as the structure and function of these biological molecules; also includes nutritional principles and processes.
Clinical Skills - Incorporates communication, physical examination and procedural skills through small group sessions, standardized patients and simulation activities.
Health Systems Science- encompasses health care delivery and policy, socioecologic determinants of health, population and public health, value-based care, patient safety and quality improvement, teamwork and leadership with a focus throughout on systems thinking
Evidence Based Medicine & Informatics - includes epidemiology and biostatistics, study design and application of these principles to optimize decision-making utilizing high quality research.
Genetics- Genetics content runs throughout the curriculum and occurs most commonly with the Biochemistry thread sessions.
Humanities - Provide opportunities to strengthen key skills of doctoring through engagement in the arts and humanities.
Infection & Immunity- Incorporates immunology and response to disease as well as microbiology.
Pathology - Focuses on the causes and effects of diseases including their gross and microscopic appearance as well as laboratory. examination
Pharmacology - Longitudinal content regarding the uses, effects and modes of actions of drugs as well as the pharmacokinetic principles underlying their use.
Physiology - Emphasizes the function of each organ and the relationships between organ systems to optimize homeostasis at the organ-system and cellular levels.
Professionalism & Ethics - Incorporates principles of professional behavior with developmental expectations as patient-care responsibilities increase as well as content regarding ethical dilemmas,
Wellness - Content centers on optimizing both patient and provider wellness.