Academic Success Center
Peer Tutoring
The Academic Success Center, on the East Falls Campus, offers content and skills learning support for a wide range of Thomas Jefferson University courses. Trained Peer Tutors assist fellow students in learning the study habits and ways of thinking that are necessary for success in a specific subject area.
Student-led course workshops are also available to help improve collaborative thinking and learning. Some courses are offered by appointment in Starfish, while others have Drop-In hours.
You can search tutor's availability and schedule an appointment through Starfish under "My Services." If you do not see the course you are looking for, please complete the “Request for Tutoring Form” below.
If you are unable to find the subject(s) you wish to be tutored in, or you are unavailable during the times listed on Starfish and/or the Peer Tutor Schedule, please complete the Request for Tutoring Form. Once submitted, the Academic Success Center will try to find a tutor for you and will be in contact. If you have any questions, please e-mail TJU_EF_Tutoring@jefferson.edu.