Academic Success Center
Writing Resources
Here are additional resources available for writing papers. If you’d like information on a topic you don’t see here or want to review these resources with a tutor, contact us!
Early Drafting
- Avoiding Plagiarism (from the APA Style Blog)
- Generating a Thesis (PDF)
- Writing an Outline (PDF)
- Writing an Abstract (PDF)
Different Types of Writing
- Preparing an Annotated Bibliography - General (PDF)
- Preparing an Annotated Bibliography- Architecture (PDF)
- Writing a Summary (PDF)
- Writing a Literature Review - Health and Science (PDF)
- Writing a Literature Review - Liberal Arts and Architecture (PDF) (Coming soon)
- Writing a Personal Statement or Cover Letter (PDF)
Revising Your Paper
Reference Resources
**APA released the 7th edition in 2019, but some assignments still may require the 6th edition. Check with your professors about which edition your assignment calls for if you aren’t sure.
- APA Style Official Website
- APA: Libguide from the Gutman Library (for an overview of both 6th and 7th editions, with practice exercises)
- APA 7th Ed. Style and Grammar Guide
- General Citation Tips
- Citing Electronic Sources