- Don’t leave belongings unattended.
- Don’t prop doors.
- Avoid walking or running alone at night.
- Use the buddy system or call Public Safety for an escort.
- Stay in well-lit areas as much as possible.
- Stay alert. Walk confidently, directly, at a steady pace.
- Walk on the side of the street facing traffic.
- Look both ways before crossing the road.
- Theft of unattended backpacks and laptops is common. If you're leaving for a minute, take your things with you.
- Know the locations of Emergency Blue Light Phones.
- Never work alone in an office or classroom on campus at night.
- Arrange a buddy system with someone you work or study with.
- Have your car or residence key in hand.
- Consider using well-vetted ride-sharing services (Uber/ Lyft) over accepting a ride from someone under the influence or a casual acquaintance.
- Trust your instincts – if someone makes you uncomfortable, walk to a well-populated area.
- Don't let unauthorized people "tailgate" through card access controlled doors.
- Try to use ATMs during daylight hours. Have your card ready and don't let anyone look you’re your shoulder when you enter your personal information.
- Share your network phone numbers with class/activities schedule with parents and close friends.

Department of Public Safety - East Falls
Contact Us
4201 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
For all other inquiries, call:
Crime Prevention Tips
While the Department of Public Safety goes to great lengths to protect our students, staff, faculty, and visitors, we need your help too. Safety at Jefferson is a shared responsibility between our officers and community.
In this section, we provide many helpful tips and information about how to stay safe on or off campus. We also encourage you to take advantage of Public Safety’s many services including: the Ram Van, Escorts, RAD training, Emergency Procedure & Active Shooter Training, and more safety and security initiatives that are detailed in this section.
- Personal Safety and Security
- Bicycle Safety
- Vehicle Safety
- Office and Lab Security
- Residence Halls
- Private Residences
- Unattended Theft and protecting your personal items
- Preventing Fraud and ID theft
- Use a good U-lock to lock your bicycle. U-Locks are available for purchase in the Thomas Jefferson University Bookstore.
- Always lock your bicycle! Bicycles should be locked to a fixed object and never lock it to itself. DO NOT secure bicycles to benches, light posts, trees, chains/post borders, handrails, or bus shelters.
- If you leave your bicycle outside, choose a well-lit, heavily traveled location.
- Register your bicycle in person at the front desk of the Gallagher Center during normal business hours. In the event your bike is lost or stolen, Athletics will have a complete record to immediately provide to Public Safety and other law enforcement agencies. We highly recommend U-Locks, which are available in the bookstore. Should you lose your key or forget your combination, let Public Safety know and we can assist in cutting your lock off.
- Find out if your bicycle is covered under your parents' insurance policy. If not, it would be advisable to insure it.
- Always wear a helmet. Protect the investment - YOU!
- When leaving your vehicle, be certain your doors are locked and windows are completely rolled up.
- Check your surroundings and car interior before opening your car door.
- Have your keys in hand so you don't have to linger before getting in, especially at night.
- Keep packages and valuables out of sight in your vehicle either under a seat, in the glove box, or in the trunk.
- Never leave your vehicle running when unattended.
- Park in well-lit areas near other vehicles or in highly populated areas.
- Do not mark your key chain with your name, address, and license number. Lost keys can lead a thief to your car or home.
- Keep a spare key, but not under or in the vehicle itself.
- Make a copy of your insurance, vehicle identification number (VIN), and registration information.
- For more information about parking on campus or obtaining a parking permit please more information on our Parking and Transportation pages.
- Lock all doors when the office is empty.
- Lock all valuables in a desk or closet when unattended, especially after hours.
- Do not leave purses or wallets unattended.
- Avoid keeping large amounts of petty cash in the office.
- Report all solicitors to Public Safety immediately.
- Do not allow any workers or contractors into your space until they have permission.
- Question visitors who wander through your office. Legitimate guests will appreciate your offer of assistance and would be solicitors or thieves will be deterred.
- Keep blinds closed after hours where such valuables as computers, TV monitors, etc. are visible from the outside.
- Report all persons’ suspicious behavior or improperly secured area to Public Safety immediately.
- Keep the door(s) to your room and windows locked at all times.
- Do not prop your room door or any exterior door.
- Do not let guests into the building through any door other than the main entrance.
- Guests must be checked in through the proper procedures. This is for the guests’ protection as well as the protection of the other residents.
- Report any unescorted person or stranger at once. You do not need to contact a staff member prior to calling Public Safety immediately.
- Report defective campus locks or windows and doors immediately.
- Never sleep in an unlocked room.
- Do not keep your room or residence and vehicle keys on the same ring.
- If you lose your ID or keys to your room/hall report it immediately.
- Keep your valuables out of sight and not in plain view of a window- i.e. televisions, jewelry, computers, electronics, etc.
- Don't leave things in the laundry room unattended.
- Do not keep large sums of cash in your room or residence.
- Do not study in poorly lit or secluded areas.
- Do not prop interior fire doors or use fire exit doors, as it is in violation of the fire code.
- Do not book a room on the ground floor
- Always pull your room door closed behind you.
- Keep the door(s) to your room locked at all times.
- Do not prop your room door with the latch or any other item.
- Do not open the door to strangers.
- Familiarize yourself with the emergency exits, fire towers, and stairwells.
- Use the hotel safe or private safe in your room
- Always use a VPN when you are using public Wi-Fi, including the hotels.
- Never provide personal information over the phone.
- Ensure you know the hotel name, street address, and phone number (put it in your phone).
- After dark make sure to use the hotel’s main entrance.
- Always be aware of your surroundings when walking alone from the hotel parking lot.
- Do not leave cash, credit cards, jewelry, or other valuable items sitting out in your room when you leave.
- Keep the door(s) to your residence and windows locked at all times.
- Never sleep in an unlocked house.
- Make sure all exterior lights are working properly and on at night.
- Do not put your name or address on key rings.
- Do not keep your residence and vehicle keys on the same ring.
- Do not post pictures of yourself on vacation until you get home – otherwise, you are announcing your absence and welcoming a thief to an empty residence.
- If you are going away, have a friend pick up your mail and deliveries. Leaving newspapers or packages unattended and piling up on your doorstep will signal that no one is home.
- Keep your valuables out of sight and not in plain view of a window- i.e. televisions, jewelry, computers, electronics, etc.
- Do not keep large sums of cash in your room or residence.
- If you lose the keys to your residence, have the lock(s) changed.
- Require callers to identify themselves before opening your door.
- “Peepholes” are always a good feature when looking for a residence.
Individual identity theft is at an all-time high and major companies have seen their confidential client and employee files hacked and exposed. In many of these cases, it is simply a lack of awareness. You can help reduce the risk of becoming a victim by managing your personal information wisely, cautiously, and with an awareness of the potential ramifications of not doing so.
- Secure Your Online Data
- Before revealing personal identifying information, find out how your personal information will be used and if will be shared with others.
- Create Strong Passwords
- Minimize the identification information and the number of cards you carry.
- Stop Pre-Approved Credit Card Offers
- If your ID or wallet has been stolen, notify the creditors by phone immediately.
- Contact the credit bureaus and ask that a fraud alert be placed in your file.
- Cancel your credit cards immediately.
- Monitor your credit
- Order a copy of your credit report twice a year.
- Make sure it is accurate and includes only the activities you have authorized.
- Making false telephone solicitations
- Do not give your Social Security number to anyone over the phone
- Trash
- Whether bagged on the sidewalk or tossed into a dumpster, your trash can be a target of any thief who wants it badly enough. A potential gold mine of personal information trash can provide the same type of information that your mailbox contains.
- Keep Your Personal Documents Safe
- Consider a professionally installed, monitored home security system.
- Invest in a safe or strongbox and consider using a secure mailbox.
- Never carry a 'cheat sheet' containing your passwords, PIN, or bank account numbers.