Department of Public Safety - East Falls
Contact Us
4201 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19144
For all other inquiries, call:
Fire Safety Information
Jefferson Employees and Students must follow the Code Red Procedures when the fire alarm activates in the building.
1) Follow R.A.C.E.
R: Rescue anyone who from immediate danger.
A: Alarm by pulling the closest fire alarm pull station, Call x811/77, and all off site locations call 911.
C: Confine the fire and smoke by closing doors
E: Evacuate away from smoke and heat
Extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher if life safety is threatened, the fire is small, and you have a clear path to esacpe.
2) If you have to use a Fire Extinguisher, follow PASS
- Pull the pin
- Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire
- Squeeze the handle of the fire extinguisher
- Sweep side-to-side with the nozzle until the fires is out or the extinguisher stops
3) Fire Safety Tips:
- No Smoking on any Jefferson Campus!
- Do Not tamper with any smoke detectors or Sprinkler Heads
- Keep combustibles away from heat sources and don't overload electrical outlets, extension cords, and power strips
- Know where your exits and stair towers are in your building
- The majority of Jefferson Buildings are fully sprinkled, and all have addressable fire alarms that are monitored 24 hours a day
If you have any questions or concerns, call EH&S at 215-503-6260.
For more on Roles & Responsibilities, Code Red, Fire Alarms and Fire Drills, Fire Protection Systems and more, visit our Fire Safety section.