Scholars & Employees
Scholars & Employees
Individuals applying to Jefferson for some non-clinical training and entry level research positions have been requesting H-1B status to begin employment rather than using F-1 Optional Practical Training (for recent graduates of US colleges and universities) or the J-1 for research scholars.
Students graduating from US institutions who are seeking initial employment at Jefferson should be advised to apply in a timely fashion for Optional Practical Training (OPT). The Office of International Affairs will no longer process H-1Bs for individuals who are eligible for Optional Practical Training. These individuals need to begin employment with Jefferson using their OPT for a variety of reasons. Among those reasons are the opportunities it provides for the department to determine if this individual should be sponsored for H-1B status in the future.
Individuals coming in from abroad to assume paid research positions, including a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, must use the J-1 status to enter and begin their training or employment. This allows the department an opportunity to determine if this individual should be sponsored for an H-1B at a later time.