A semester request is a task that all students registered with Accessibility Services must complete every semester after being approved for accommodations. It communicates that the student wants to continue using their accommodation and to apply it to each set of courses in the new semester.
Starting in January 2024, each student is responsible for completing a semester request every semester they are enrolled at Thomas Jefferson University. If this task is not completed, the student will run the risk of not having their accommodations applied to the courses that they are enrolled in. Accessibility Services will not be held responsible for the student's failure to complete a semester request in a timely manner to utilize accommodations to support the student's academic success.
Use the following steps to complete this task:
- Log into Accommodate using your campus key and password
- Click on the "Accommodation" tab in the left sidebar and then select "Semester Request" from the submenu.
- Click on the "Add New" button.
- From the Semester dropdown menu, select the semester for which you are renewing your accommodations. The page will reload, and you will see your course schedule on the right side of the screen. If your course schedule does not appear, please still complete your semester request.
- Select "Submit for All Accommodations" or "Review the Renewal".
- If you select “Submit for All Accommodations,” you request that all your accommodations be applied to all your next semester classes.
- If you select “Review the Renewal,” you can review your approved accommodations and delete them as needed. If you know a particular accommodation is no longer effective, you can opt to delete it for that semester. Complete this process for each accommodation listed.
- If you add or drop any courses after you complete a semester request for the same semester, please notify the Accessibility Services Office immediately.