Molecular Physiology & Translational Medicine

Name: Lawrence Goldfinger, PhD
Position: Director & Professor, Molecular Physiology & Translational Medicine PhD Program

1020 Locust Street, Suite 394
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact Admissions

Contact Number(s):
Name: Danielle Park
Position: Program Coordinator

1020 Locust Street
M-46 JAH
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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Current Students

Shayan Askari

Thesis Advisor: Lawrence Goldfinger, PhD
Project: TBA

Matthew Cooper

Thesis Advisor: Lawrence Goldfinger, PhD
Project: TBA

Christopher Mansi

Thesis Advisor: Timothy Stalker, PhD
Project: The Impact of Dual Anti-Platelet, Anti-Coagulation Therapy on Hemostatic Plug Structure and Function

Jenna Severa

Thesis Advisor: Timothy Stalker, PhD
Project: TBA

Sushrut Shah

Thesis Advisor: Deepak Deshpande, PhD
Project: TBA

Dominic Villalba

Thesis Advisor: Raymond Penn, PhD
Project: TBA

Jared Whitman

Thesis Advisor: Lawrence Goldfinger, PhD
Project: TBD

Xuefei Zhao

Thesis Advisor: Peisong Ma, PhD
Project: Our lab mainly focuses on Megakaryocyte differentiation and the role of platelets in hemostasis and thrombosis.

Recent Graduates

Miguel Hernandez-Lara
Matriculation Term:
Fall 2019
Thesis Title:
 "Diacylglycerol kinase regulates airway smooth muscle functions"
Advisor: Deepak Deshpande, PhD