Molecular Physiology & Translational Medicine

Name: Lawrence Goldfinger, PhD
Position: Director & Professor, Molecular Physiology & Translational Medicine PhD Program

1020 Locust Street, Suite 394
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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Contact Number(s):
Name: Danielle Park
Position: Program Coordinator

1020 Locust Street
M-46 JAH
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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The Molecular Physiology and Translational Medicine (MPTM) program is supported by faculty from multiple departments and research centers at Thomas Jefferson University, including Medicine, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Emergency Medicine, The Cardeza Foundation for Hematologic Research, and the Center for Translational Medicine. The research foci of our faculty cover a broad range of cell, tissue, and organ physiology. With a concentration in heart, lung and blood physiology, our research programs include many collaborative projects within and across Centers and Departments, providing a multidisciplinary research environment to train students in the MPTM program as the next generation of leaders in high-impact research in human health and disease.

Areas of Research Principal Investigators
Physiology of Blood Cells Lawrence GoldfingerPeisong Ma, James Michael, Steven McKenzie, Ulhas Naik, Amit SrivastavaTimothy Stalker
Physiology of Cardiovascular Cells

Jason Choi, Deepak Deshpande, Xin-Liang Ma, Steven McKenzie, Ulhas Naik, Raymond Penn, Shey-Shing SheuJianxin Sun

Pulmonary Physiology Deepak Deshpande, James Michael, Raymond Penn, Tonio Pera, Maria I. Ramirez, Freddy Jose Romero, Ross Summer
GI Physiology Boopathi EttickanUlhas Naik
Integrative Cell and Molecular Physiology Tung Chan, Seo-Hee Cho, Mudit Tyagi, Bin Wang