Doctor of Pharmacy
Educational Facilities
Thomas Jefferson University student pharmacists learn in the most progressive, advanced facilities. The Dorrance H. Hamilton Building represents a new paradigm in healthcare education, where students learn side-by-side with other healthcare professionals in state-of-the-art facilities that include a simulated ICU and operating and exam rooms. Through the University Clinical Skills and Simulation Center students will interact with standardized patients and high fidelity models in simulation that teaches and reinforces key clinical skills.
Dorrance H. Hamilton Building
The Hamilton Building's sixth floor Pharmacy Practice Simulation Center offers the most advanced and exciting learning environment, including:
- A clean room where student pharmacists learn to make sterile drug products such as intravenous solutions and cancer chemotherapy. This facility is complete with monitoring devices to allow experienced pharmacists to view and comment on student technique.
- A model community pharmacy to practice prescription processing and educate simulated patients regarding the safe and effective use of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Also, student pharmacists will learn to administer immunizations.
- An informatics center features individual high-tech workstations where student pharmacists develop and apply skills utilizing simulated electronic patient medication profiles, electronic medical records and other databases to identify high-risk or high-cost medication regimens and implement strategies to improve health, safety and economic outcomes for individual patients as well as defined populations.
The University Clinical Skills and Simulation Center on the third floor of the Hamilton Building offers:
- A clinical skills center where students practice clinical assessment skills with peers and with standardized patients.
Educational facilities also extend to the experiential practice sites. These consist of multiple practice settings including ambulatory care clinics, community, home infusion, hospital and managed care pharmacies. In these settings students will learn how prescriptions are processed, made and delivered to the patient. Students will see how technology facilitates their role, how regulations and knowledge learned apply, and they will have the opportunity to network with current pharmacists. More information about Jefferson College of Pharmacy’s clinical sites is found at Clinical Affiliations.