Doctor of Pharmacy
Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) / Master of Business Administration (MBA)
The Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)/Master of Business Administration (MBA) is offered in the School of Business within the Kanbar College of Design, Engineering & Commerce.
The MBA program prepares students for successful careers in management positions in business and administration. PharmD/MBA students may concentrate their studies in specialty areas such as biopharmaceutical commercialization, health analytics, business and leadership.
The MBA is a 45-credit program, but 15 credits from the PharmD curriculum can be applied to the MBA program so pharmacy students need only complete 30 additional credits to earn the MBA.
Students may apply to the MBA degree program at any point after acceptance to the PharmD program, or within three years of graduation. To apply for the MBA, contact the program director for the MBA in the School of Business: Davinder.Malhotra@jefferson.edu.