Family & Community Medicine Residency
- Center City Campus
- Sidney Kimmel Medical College
Degree Earned
- Residency
Program Length
3 years
Program Contact
Program Director's Message
Thank you for your interest in our program. It is a true honor to serve as the Program Director for the Family and Community Medicine Residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Our goal is to shape the future of healthcare in this country by training leaders in primary care, medical education, research, community health and health policy. Our faculty, residents and staff share a deep commitment to education, research and diversity. In keeping with our departmental mission, an integral aspect of our residency training is our commitment to community, with a particular focus on the medically-underserved populations in Philadelphia.Thank you for your interest in our program. It is a true honor to serve as the Program Director for the Family and Community Medicine Residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. Our goal is to shape the future of healthcare in this country by training leaders in primary care, medical education, research, community health and health policy. Our faculty, residents and staff share a deep commitment to education, research and diversity. In keeping with our departmental mission, an integral aspect of our residency training is our commitment to community, with a particular focus on the medically-underserved populations in Philadelphia.
One of the aspects of our program that continues to impress me at Jefferson is the institutional respect for the Department of Family and Community Medicine, founded nearly 50 years ago! Our faculty and residents have a strong voice in medical education, community outreach, and research in our thriving university environment. Physicians from every department in the University refer ambulatory patients to our practice, Jefferson Family Medicine Associates (JFMA), for ongoing care. The Department is consulted regularly by other services at Jefferson for inpatient consultation. JFMA is the site for the majority of primary care activity within the University, and our Family Medicine inpatient service is one of the busiest and most diverse in the hospital.
We have been fortunate to attract faculty members and residents who bring a varied and broad base of experience, as well as a dedication to excellence. Each faculty member is responsible for developing areas of special expertise which he or she pursues through writing, research and community outreach. These special areas of expertise complement the teaching program for residents. This environment has permitted the residency program to attain the position it enjoys today as a nationally recognized outstanding university-based family and community medicine residency. In addition, our network of more than 40 years of graduates allows residents access to hundreds of family physicians across the globe.
Each year, we recreate the curriculum to meet not only the interests of our residents, but the needs of our community. With the new ACGME requirements, we have revamped our curriculum and introduced a number of additional opportunities to better prepare our residents for their future in family medicine.
Here are a few highlighted changes:
- Adjusted resident office templates to spend more time with their own continuity panel, while using the resources to meet the needs of our patients.
- Expanded our outpatient pediatrics experience with DuPont Pediatrics to include time at our outpatient academic practice as well as smaller practices that care for a predominantly underserved community.
- Creation of 6-months of longitudinal electives throughout your 3-year training.
- Enhanced community experiences that include street medicine, addiction training, MOUD clinics, immigrant and refugee health and several FQHC clinics.
- Developed 4-year residency track to obtain an MPH from the Jefferson School of Population Health at no cost to the residents.
- And finally, we received a 3-year grant with the European Union to create a 2-month training elective for our residents at Cattolica University in Rome.
I was in your shoes in 2001, applying to Jefferson’s Family Medicine residency program, and I could not have made a better decision to train at Jefferson and then join the faculty in 2004. This is a special place and I look forward to meeting you in person and discussing the opportunities available to you at Jefferson. I truly appreciate your interest in our program and if you have additional questions, please e-mail me directly at Marc.Altshuler@jefferson.edu.
Marc Altshuler, MD
Residency Director
Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine
What makes our program stand out?
Our Residents
Our residents are our mission and inspiration. They are the heart of our program - a close-knit group of colleagues and friends who work collaboratively to learn, care for complex and underserved patients, and pursue various career interests.
Our Faculty
We are one of the largest Family Medicine departments in the country. The breadth and quality of our faculty is unparalleled, providing our residents with guidance and support for exploring diverse interests and career paths.
Family Medicine at Jefferson
Jefferson firmly believes in Family Medicine as the backbone of a strong health care system. One of the founders of our department went on to lead Thomas Jefferson University, and our involvement in leadership positions in the university continues to this day.
Living our University’s Mission
We live our University’s Mission
We put our patients and residents first.
We strive as a team to be bold and think differently, continually evaluating and improving our training program and care of patients.