Epilepsy & Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship


Name: Maromi Nei, MD
  • Program Director
  • Adult Epilepsy Fellowship Program
  • Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship Program
Position: Department of Neurology
Contact Number(s):
Name: Felchek
Position: Director, Pediatric Epilepsy Fellowship Program

For Program Information

Name: Bruce R. Allen
Position: Fellowship Program Coordinator

901 Walnut Street
Suite 400
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact Number(s):


Fellows in both adult and pediatric tracks primarily have clinical rotations at Jefferson (adult track) or A.I. duPont (pediatric track) Hospitals. Clinical neurophysiology fellows remain at the Jefferson site throughout the fellowship.

  • Adult fellows rotate in 1-2 week clinical block rotations in the EMU (epilepsy monitoring unit), LTM (long-term monitoring service), in research, or performing clinical or self-study electives.
  • Adult fellows will have dedicated time for clinical research and elective rotations, including 1-month at A.I. duPont Hospital and/or another pediatric epilepsy site. Additional elective options include rotations in intraoperative monitoring, intracranial EEG monitoring, and sleep disorders.
  • Pediatric fellows work in both the outpatient and inpatient areas, with rotations including EMU and EEG reading.
  • Pediatric fellows also have elective rotations, including 6-8 weeks at Jefferson University Hospital.
  • There is a strong outpatient experience as well, with a continuity clinic for both adult and pediatric fellows, and regular EEG reading sessions.
  • For fellows in the Clinical Neurophysiology fellowship, there are also rotations in EMG, Sleep, and Intraoperative monitoring. Additionally, there are annual review lecture courses in both Sleep and EMG, which all fellows attend.
  • Fellows will receive funding support to attend additional external fellow-specific training sessions/meetings and/or national neurology/Epilepsy meetings.

Joint Didactic Sessions

  • Epilepsy Surgery Conference (multidisciplinary conference including neurology, neurosurgery, neuropsychology, and neuroradiology at both sites); fellows present surgical cases for discussion: Mondays at 8:30 AM (weekly)
  • Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology Conference Series: Mondays at noon (weekly)
  • EEG case conference (joint fellow and faculty review/discussion of EEG cases), 1-2/month
  • Journal Club (monthly)
  • A.I. duPont morning didactics series: Thursday AM
  • Sleep disorders lecture series: Wednesday AM
  • Neurology Grand Rounds: Friday AM
  • Mid-Atlantic Epilepsy Lecture Series (multi-institutional lecture series coordinated through Jefferson, including a consortium of 6 academic epilepsy centers in the Mid-Atlantic region) (monthly)
  • Additional fellow-led lectures and special lecturer didactics scheduled throughout the year
  • Neurology M & M (quarterly)
  • There are additional lectures and didactics sessions for clinical neurophysiology fellows.

Call Responsibility 

  • Call coverage is performed remotely
  • Fellows rotate to cover epilepsy/EEG calls on weeknights and weekends
  • There is 24-hour EEG technician support/preliminary review of long-term EEGs and EMU EEGs at Jefferson. The on-call fellow provides support to the EEG technicians. There is also an on-call attending back-up for each service at all times.