Student Accessibility Services
Thomas Jefferson University is happy to work with students with disabilities and is committed to providing students with access to all educational opportunities and full participation in programs and services.
The Office of Student Accessibility Services works with students with disabilities through a collaborative process to identify accommodations that will allow equal access. The University fully complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Any currently admitted or enrolled student may request accommodations (although accommodations are not retroactive). Qualified persons may not, based on disability, be denied participation in University programs and activities or services. The University works with students to provide reasonable accommodations that are based on individual needs. Documentation guidelines are followed to ensure eligibility for accommodations in higher education. Accommodations are designed to provide access that does not compromise the essential requirements of a course or program.
It is essential that students are proactive and initiate the process and follow procedures.
Residence Life Accessibility Services
The Office of Student Accessibility Services works with Residence Life to provide students with disabilities access to residential facilities, programs, and services.
Consideration in housing that is requested by a student will be handled as an accommodation request. Documentation forms are available through The Office Accessibility Services by using the link below.