Student Accessibility Services
Available Services
The following services represent accommodations that are often requested by students with disabilities. To be eligible for accommodations, students must provide appropriate documentation of a disability, as outlined under the “Documentation Requirements” section of this document, to the coordinator of Accessibility Services.
The Office of Student Accessibility Services works with the appropriate departments to make these services available.
Accessibility Services, in conjunction with freshman and upper-level advisors, assists students (upon request of the student or advisor) with selecting courses and determining the appropriate course load for the student. In accordance with the regulations, the University will offer advising services to students with disabilities in an accessible place and manner.
Academic adjustments are those changes that will minimize or eliminate the impact of a disability and allow equal access to an education. Examples of academic adjustments may include but are not limited to: reduced course load, extended testing time, testing in a reduced distraction environment, educational support in the areas of time/stress management and learning strategies, modified tutoring services, use of assistive technologies (e.g. recorders, computers), note-takers, and readers. Once Accessibility Services approves an academic adjustment for a student, an accommodation letter is provided to the student, detailing the accommodations. The student is responsible for providing the accommodation letter to the faculty member(s) teaching the course(s) in question.
The Academic Success Center offers a variety of services to the campus community: drop-in peer tutoring, professional tutoring by appointment, review sessions, and workshops. The services currently offered may be modified to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
Eligible students will:
- Obtain tutoring through the Academica Success Center by utilizing the drop-in schedule and professional hours. Contact the tutorial coordinator concerning scheduling issues.
- Request additional services through Accessibility Services as early in the semester as possible. If the student's documentation indicates additional services may be necessary in order to gain equal access to tutoring, Accessibility Services will discuss such accommodations with the tutorial coordinator.
- Meet with the tutorial coordinator to make tutoring and scheduling arrangements once an accommodation has been approved.
- Attend tutoring sessions regularly and notify the tutorial coordinator in advance if the accommodations are no longer required.
If a disability interferes with a student's ability to take notes in the classroom, Accessibility Services should be contacted as soon as possible in order to seek assistance. Assistance with note-taking is most often provided by the use of technology. Accessibility Services will review the process with the student.
Individuals with documented disabilities may need to record lectures in order to have equal access to the information presented. Accessibility Services will work with students who are eligible to receive this.
Assistance in taking exams is available for students with documented disabilities through Accessibility Services in conjunction with the faculty member(s) teaching the courses in question. The University will provide appropriate auxiliary aids that do not fundamentally alter the skills or knowledge that the examination is intended to test.
Auxiliary aids include, but are not limited to the following:
- Extended time
- Reduced distraction environment
- Testing on a computer
- Use of a scribe or reader
- Enlarged print or Braille exams
- Use of assistive technology, including a computer
Eligible students will:
- Adhere to the exam scheduling process and policy provided to the student in their accommodation letter.
- Schedule exams to be taken in The Office of Student Accessibility Services if the student is unable to secure accommodations through the faculty member. Exams must be scheduled to be taken in The Office of Student Accessibility Services at least three business days in advance. Midterms and finals require further notice. All exams are usually scheduled at the same time as the class is scheduled to take them. Requests for exceptions must be approved by the faculty member. Accommodations will not be guaranteed without appropriate notice.
- Consultation with Faculty/Staff.
Exam Delivery to Disability Services Office
Exams are sent to The Office of Student Accessibility Services via the following: Instructor may deliver exam to the office via email or in person. Email is preferred. When the Office of Student Accessibility Services receives an exam, it is stored in a secure location until the exam is administered. All exams are administered in our testing office. Instructors must provide Accessibility Services with all exam instructions and provide the exams at least one day prior to the exam date/time.
Post-Exam Procedures
Exam return options are as follows: Completed exams are scanned upon completion and instructors may pick up the hard copy or have it delivered in their mailboxes, if needed. Instructors may advise that scanned copies are sufficient.
Additional Information
- Students or faculty may schedule exams.
- All non-exam-related materials must be left outside of the testing office.
- All information regarding students is kept confidential and only disclosed to those individuals with a legitimate need to know.
- All students working with Accessibility Services should have a current signed release form on file. Once the release form is in place, the student may request that the Director of Accessibility Services consult with faculty members or other University staff to discuss the functional limitations of the student's disability, as well as reasonable accommodations for the student.
Accessibility Services processes requests for student access to Thomas Jefferson University facilities. Requests for alterations will be assessed based on the nature of the disability or related documentation. In keeping with its philosophy, the University will attempt to make reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities. Examples of accommodations may include but are not limited to: adaptation of bathrooms, installation of ramps, door access, and alternative lighting.
Accessibility Services does not provide evaluations/assessments, but provides referrals for students who suspect they may have a disability. Once documentation of a specific disability is received from the student and/or the student's health care provider, potential academic adjustments can be assessed.
The Office of Student Accessibility Services provides verification of a student's disabled status to Residence Life for consideration in housing assignments. Housing accommodations are provided with appropriate documentation and must be requested in a timely manner. Students must adhere to the housing accommodation deadlines and if deadlines are not met, accommodations cannot be guaranteed.
The Office of Safety and Security provides van transportation throughout the campus for all students. Safety and Security also enforces parking.
Students who need adapted access to the technology on campus can request assistance through The Office of Student Accessibility Services.
Eligible students will meet with Accessibility Services to discuss the student's specific needs for technology and the limitations currently experienced by the student. Accessibility Services will work in conjunction with the appropriate offices to provide the needed services.
Accessibility Services assists students in obtaining textbooks and other materials in alternative formats. Students must contact Accessibility Services for information. Accessibility Services utilizes Kurzweil software to convert information to audio.