Student Accessibility Services
Documentation Requirements
The Office of Student Accessibility Services serves students with all types of disabilities, including physical, learning, and psychological disabilities. To be eligible for services from The Office of Student Accessibility Services, a student must provide written documentation from qualified professionals on their letterhead or complete the University’s Medical Intake Form. All documentation must contain the following information:
Physical/Medical Disabilities
A recent letter from a qualified physician or certified rehabilitation counselor that includes:
- A diagnosis of the physical condition or illness.
- A description of the functional limitations as a result of the condition or side effects of the required medications. This description must establish a substantial limitation in a major life activity.
- A summary of the recommendations for accommodation at the post-secondary level.
- Any pertinent background information about the disability or medical condition that will assist the University in assessing whether to grant the requested accommodation.
- Whether the duration of the student's medical condition is temporary or permanent.
Learning Disabilities
A recent psychoeducational or psych-neurological report by a certified and licensed psychologist, provider report, or Thomas Jefferson University’s Medical Intake Form containing the following:
- An assessment of the student that provides clear and specific evidence that a learning disability exists. The assessment should consist of and be based on a comprehensive assessment battery that does not rely on any one test or subtest. The assessment should include a list of the tests performed.
- A recent diagnosis. Individual "learning styles,” "academic problems” and "test difficulty or anxiety,” in and of themselves, generally do not constitute a learning disability. The diagnostician is encouraged to use direct language in the diagnosis and documentation of a learning disability, avoiding the use of terms such as "suggests” or "is indicative of.”
- Specific limitations in higher education. The data should logically reflect a substantial limitation in learning for which the student is requesting the accommodation.
- Specific recommendations in higher education that provides for access.
NOTE: Students who received services at a previous educational institution should also submit their Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs) and transition plans that include a summary of accommodations needed at the college level. School plans (IEP or 504 plan) may not be sufficient in and of themselves, but should accompany the comprehensive assessment battery (if applicable).
Attention Deficit or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Current and comprehensive documentation of the disorder from the licensed diagnosing physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist. Alternatively, complete the University’s Medical Intake Form that must include the following information:
- Diagnosis, date of diagnosis, and last contact with student.
- Description of symptoms that meet the criteria for this diagnosis.
- Instruments and procedures that were used to diagnose the ADD/ADHD. Attach the diagnostic report.
- An indication of the substantial limitation to learning or other major life activity presented by the ADD or ADHD, and the degree to which the disorder impacts the student in the learning context for which accommodations are being requested.
- Current medication, dosage, and frequency.
- Recommendations for accommodations at the post-secondary level as related to the functional limitations of the diagnosis, including the rationale for why they must be provided. Include a discussion of previous accommodations. If accommodations were not provided in the past, include a detailed explanation as to why none were used and why they are needed at this time.
Psychological Disabilities
Current and comprehensive documentation of the disorder from the diagnosing licensed psychiatrist or psychologist. Alternatively, complete the University’s Medical Intake Form, including the following information:
- Diagnosis, date of diagnosis, and last contact with student.
- Description of symptoms that meet the criteria for this diagnosis.
- Instruments and procedures that were used to diagnose the student. Attach the diagnostic report.
- Current medication, dosage, and frequency.
- Indication of the substantial limitation to learning or other major life activity presented by the disorder and the degree to which it impacts the individual in the learning context for which accommodations are being requested.
- Recommendations regarding accommodations at the post-secondary level as related to the functional limitations of the diagnosis, including the rationale for why they must be provided. Include a discussion of previous accommodations. If accommodations were not provided in the past, include a detailed explanation as to why none were used and why they are needed at this time.