Student Accessibility Services
General Information
Accommodations in college may often vary from those received during high school or with previous colleges or institutions of higher education. In post-secondary education, the student has the right to request accommodations and must be proactive and initiate the process. Laws restrict sharing of information with parents or others (students may sign consent forms). Disclosure of a student’s disability is voluntary and at the discretion of the student. Documentation concerning disabilities is separate from the student’s general academic file.
- Accommodation process: It’s best to begin the process at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the semester or time that accommodations are needed.
- Self-identify: The student contacts Student Accessibility Services by way of email, phone, or making an appointment, and completes the Intake Form.
- Student provides documentation to Accessibility Services (email to TJU_EF_AccessibilityServices@jefferson.edu)
- Documentation review by Accessibility Services (if documentation is complete, the process continues, and if documentation is not complete, additional documentation is requested.)
- Contact is made between Accessibility Services and student to discuss Intake Forms, documentation, and individual accommodations.
- If eligibility is determined: Student provides Accessibility Services with their class schedule and accommodation letters are prepared. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the letters to each instructor.
- The accommodation process is collaborative between the student, Accessibility Services, and faculty, and the student must be proactive.
Examples of Accommodations
- Extended time
- Testing room with reduced distraction
- Text readers/assistive technology
- Use of computer-reduced course load/assistance with registration
- Assistance with notetaking (assistive technology)
- Housing accessibility
Remember that each accommodation must be supported by documentation.