Please review the entire University Posting Policy (PDF).
Bulletin Boards
The Kanbar Campus Center has 3 general bulletin boards for posting and advertising located on each floor of the building. All material posted in the Kanbar Campus Center must be approved and hung up by the Office of Student Engagement in suite 317. The hanging of any materials on doors, glass, walls, stairwells, bathrooms, etc., is strictly prohibited unless approval is given by the Assistant Director for Operations and the Associate Dean of Students. Items that have not been approved or are found in unapproved locations will be immediately removed. Taping to the walls or other surfaces in the Campus Center is strictly prohibited.
All banner displays must be scheduled and approved through the Office of Student Engagement (Suite 317) in the Kanbar Campus Center. Each department, club, or organization is allowed to display a banner for one week.
Distribution: Kanbar Campus Center Staff will hang the banners. The banners may not be larger than 40 feet long and 60 inches wide. Any size less than that is acceptable.
Kanbar Staff will take down the banner after the reserved week is up. If the department, club, or organizations would like to keep the banner, arrangements must be made prior to the removal of the banner.
Banners are only allowed on the balcony above the Living Room in the Kanbar Campus Center. Banners may not be hung in other areas of the building.
Banners will not be approved if they:
- Advertise or promote alcohol
- Advertise or promote illegal substances
- Use vulgar language
- Show graphic sexual and/or violent content
Violations of these policies can result in a suspension of advertising privileges. Clubs and organizations in consistent violation of this policy can have their advertising privileges as well as have their recognition with SGA jeopardized.
Gallery Use
The Kanbar Campus Center provides 2 wall spaces (one in the Common Thread and one in “Ted’s Barista) for further advertisement. These spaces are reserved for larger posters. Organizations wishing to advertise in this location will need to provide their own poster or foam core backing. All materials must be approved by the Office of Student Engagement (Suite 317). Poster hangers can be obtained at the Welcome and Information Desk.
These spaces are also available for student and faculty work to be exhibited. These spaces must be reserved through the Campus Reservationist. Requestors will be provided with the Kanbar Gallery Policy, which outlines specific guidelines for usage, installation, and approval.
TV Screens
TV screens throughout the Kanbar Campus Center are primarily used for advertising space. The ads on the screens will be limited, and available only on a first-come, first-serve basis. Ads must be sponsored by a University department or registered student organization. Ads may not advertise or promote alcohol, illegal substances, use vulgar language, or show graphic sexual and/or violent content.
Ads must be saved as a jpeg file. The appropriate layout size for the TV screens is 16:9 or 1152 pixels wide by 648 pixels high.
Completed ads may be submitted by email to to be reviewed by a member of the Office of Student Engagement. All ads are subject to denial or removal by the Kanbar Operations Staff. Once the ad is approved, it will run for up to two weeks prior to the event. Questions can be directed to the Assistant Director for Operations at
Table Tents
Table tent displays must be scheduled and approved through the Assistant Director of Operations in the Office of Student Engagement. Table tents must be sponsored by offices or departments within Jefferson East Falls. All table tends should be dropped off at the Welcome and Information Desk after approval. Questions can be directed to the Assistant Director for Operations at
Layout: Table tents must be pre-cut when given to the Information Desk for distribution. Panels should measure 6.25 inches (width) by 4.25 inches (height).
Policies: If more than one group wishes to display table tents during the same week, arrangements can be made.
Table tents will not be approved if they:
- Advertise or promote alcohol
- Advertise or promote illegal substances
- Use vulgar language
- Show graphic sexual and/or violent content