Rights & Responsibilities
Student Alcohol Policy
Alcoholic Beverage Policy for Events Involving Student Clubs & Organizations
The University limits the use of campus facilities for events where alcoholic beverages may be consumed. The University permits the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages by students who are 21 years old or older in the privacy of their residence hall rooms/apartments/townhouses. However, drinking is not permitted in any other area of campus unless at an event specifically approved for the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Any University department or office wishing to sponsor an event on campus involving students where alcohol will be considered is responsible for the control of the event. The Dean of Students Office/Office of Student Life & Engagement can be contacted directly with any questions regarding the planning of the event. Recommendations for these events include:
(a) All alcohol and food served on campus must be purchased through catering.
(b) All bartenders should be provided through the catering department.
(c) Everyone at the event must show proof of age to consume alcohol and be wrist-banded so that they are easily identified.
(d) Alcohol should be limited to a reasonable number per person, and that each person be allowed only one drink at a time.
(e) Alcohol should never leave the venue and/or the building.
(f) Open bars, unmonitored kegs, freely accessed bottles of alcohol, wine, or beer is strongly discouraged.
(g) The sponsoring organization is ultimately responsible for assuring that all attendees obey the statutes of Pennsylvania with regard to the consumption of alcohol. Similarly, the sponsoring organization is responsible for assuring that proper conduct and deportment is observed on the part of all attendees at all times. The organization's responsibilities include the denial of admission and refusal to serve persons who appear intoxicated, alerting security staff to contact medical assistance if necessary, and asking disruptive persons to leave the event.
Any student group or organization wishing to hold an event on campus where alcoholic beverages are consumed must adhere to the rules set forth below.
Event Registration
Events at which alcohol is to be served must be sponsored by a registered student organization in good standing. Student organizations sponsoring events with alcohol must submit a completed "Agreement for Use of Alcohol" form to the Office of Student Life and/or Engagement. This form can be obtained from the Office of Student Life and/or Student Engagement.
After approval has been granted for events sponsored by student organizations, any change in plans (e.g., site, attendance type and/or number, entertainment) must be approved in writing by the Office of Student Life and/or Engagement before it may be enacted. Any organization that does not follow these basic guidelines may lose the privilege to sponsor any future events.
Event Planning
It is a violation of Pennsylvania law to charge admission, without the proper licenses, at an event where alcohol is served.
(a) Alcohol will be limited to regular and light beer, wine and wine coolers. A designee of the Office of Student Life and/or Engagement must approve a list of alcohol to be donated prior to final approval. Spirits and malt liquors will not be approved;
(b) The University will not distribute, post, or mail any student function's advertisements that mention alcohol.
(c) All University facilities and spaces must be appropriately reserved. For events taking place in the University’s Housing facilities, additional approval must be obtained from the Department of Housing and Residence Life by completing the Lounge Reservation Form.
(d) All events where alcoholic beverages are served or consumed must not only have food available, but also must serve an alternative, nonalcoholic beverage (in addition to water) in an easily accessible and desirable manner. Information regarding food and nonalcoholic beverages must be submitted to the Director of the Office of Student Life and/or Engagement for approval. The serving of alcoholic beverages must terminate at least one hour prior to the close of the event.
(3) Security
The sponsoring organization must arrange for a consultation with the Public Safety Department to determine if security is necessary and if so the number of officers required. The decision of the Campus Security Department must be conveyed to the Office of Student Life and/or Engagement in writing.
(4) Outdoor Events with Alcohol
(a) Alcohol may not be served at outdoor locations on campus in Center City. Only the Office of the President or their designee may make exceptions.
(b) The Office of Student Engagement in East Falls does not recommend the planning of outdoor events involving students that serves alcohol however, could approve events on a case by case basis for a specific event if the following guidelines are adhered to:
(c) All guidelines and requirements of the Alcoholic Beverage Policy for Events Involving Student Clubs and Organizations are followed.
(d) The proposed outdoor area must have the ability to be fully contained in addition to an area that can be roped and/or fenced off for consumption. Single entry must be available for persons entering who will receive a punch card and a wrist bracelet to monitor consumption. All alcohol must remain in the contained area.
Any student who violates this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action, as outlined in the individual colleges' catalogs and student handbooks. Violation of this Policy may result in suspension or dismissal from the University. Any student organization that violates this policy risks their standing and status at the University.
The East Falls campus subscribes to the 0-1-3 model regarding alcohol:
ZERO = zero alcohol. This applies to students who are under 21, driving, chemically dependent or pregnant. Zero is always an option and should be promoted as a healthy, socially acceptable norm.
ONE = one drink per hour, which sets the pace for moderate drinking.
THREE = no more than three drinks per day, and never daily.
In support of this model, alcohol consumption at the event will be limited to three 12 oz. beers, 5 oz. glasses of wine, or 12 oz. wine coolers per person for a four-hour event (during the last hour of the event, no alcohol may be served). Only bottles or cans may be used; kegs, beer balls, or any bulk containers are not permitted.
Additional Event Security
Included with the Agreement for Use of Alcohol form, the sponsoring organization must supply the name(s) of the student(s) who will serve as Event Control Attendants (ECA). For every 50 anticipated guests (including event staff), one Event Control Attendant must be retained. In other words:
(i) 1-50 guests: 1 ECA
(ii) 51-100 guests: 2 ECAs
(iii) 101-150 guests: 3 ECAs
(iv) 151-200 guests: 4 ECAs (etc.)
(c) The required number of ECAs must be on duty for the duration of the event plus, one half-hour before and after its official start and ending.
Procedures at the Event
(a) Setup:
(i) Events, which have been granted permission to distribute alcohol, must be held at an approved location in a contained space, having staffed points of entry and exit;
(ii) A bartender must be hired from Dining Services for the distribution of alcohol.
(b) Entry:
(i) The student organization’s advisor must be preset for the entirety of the event and may not consume any alcohol. The advisor must be seated at the admissions desk of parties throughout the entire time in order to check proper identification. Students who wish to consume alcoholic beverages must furnish legal proof of age of being 21 or older. Guests must show one valid photo ID if they wish to consume alcohol; a photo ID is required in any case to be admitted. Those who are 21 and over will receive an identification bracelet and a maximum of three tickets (for a four-hour event; see above) that they may exchange for alcoholic beverages. The advisor and student member of the sponsoring organization are responsible for checking proof of age and administering bracelets. Any alteration of this procedure must be approved by the Director of Student Engagement in advance of the event.
(ii) The sponsoring organization will post a legible sign at the function stating that individuals under the age of 21 years or those who appear to be intoxicated will not be permitted to consume or possess alcoholic beverages. This poster will be placed in a clear and conspicuous location at all functions where alcohol is served.
(c) Security:
(i) ECAs are not permitted to drink alcohol during the event.
(ii) ECAs are responsible for preventing beverages or containers from being brought into the event and monitoring the entrance way to prohibit the removal of beverages from the event
(d) Operation:
(i) Alcoholic beverages will not be served one hour prior to the closing of the event. No alcoholic beverages will be served to anyone under the legal age of 21 at any time. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring organization to enforce this requirement;
(ii) All events must end no later than 1 a.m., unless given authorization by the Office of Student Life and/or Engagement;
(iii) The organization will clean the facilities immediately after the event in such a way that no additional cleanup will be required for a subsequent event to be held there. The organization is financially liable for any damages that occur at the event. They may also be assessed the cost of additional cleaning, if necessary.