Rights & Responsibilities
Smoking Policy - East Falls Campus
Smoking is prohibited in any area in which a fire or safety hazard exists and in common areas, open offices, foyers, hallways, stairwells, elevators, restrooms, classrooms, laboratories, conference rooms, auditoriums, gymnasiums, computer centers, Library, Campus Store, Mailroom, The Design Center, Health Center, Ravenhill Chapel, the Kanbar Campus Center, DEC and all residence halls and dining halls.
The success of this policy will depend upon the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and non-smokers. All employees share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing the spirit of the policy in a way that fosters the good relationships. If this effort proves unsuccessful, the situation should be brought to the attention of the appropriate supervisor or dean. In all cases, the right of a non-smoker to protect his or her health and comfort must prevail over a person's desire to smoke.