Rights & Responsibilities
Student Emergency Contact Information
Applicability: Thomas Jefferson University
Contributors/Contributing Departments: Office of the Provost, Registrar
I. Policy Statement
Thomas Jefferson University has an obligation to be able to contact a student and/or a designated contact person in case of an emergency or other situation affecting the welfare of the student. All students (except as noted below) must provide emergency contact information in their Banner student interface, and update that information at least annually, in order to have full access to their electronic learning resources.
II. Scope
This policy applies to all Thomas Jefferson University students, except those who are enrolled in fully-online academic programs.
III. Procedures
- The Registrar’s Office will inform all new students, at the beginning of their first semester of matriculation, that they are required to complete the personal contact information form (via a Banner interface) as per this policy, and be provided a deadline date for completion. The deadline date will be the conclusion of the drop/add period of each semester.
- The Registrar’s Office will provide a reminder message to all new and returning students prior to the first day of class, and weekly reminder messages to students who have not updated their information in Banner before the deadline date.
- If a student has not updated their information in Banner by the close of business of the last day of the drop/add period, the Registrar’s Office is authorized to “lock out” students from their Blackboard Learn access. The student will be notified that they have lost access to their course material on Blackboard Learn for this reason.
- The student must fully update the personal contact information in Banner in order to have their Blackboard Learn access restored.
- All returning students must verify and/or update their contact information annually, with the same communication schedule and deadline date as described above.