Student Counseling Center - Center City
33 S. Ninth Street
Suite 230
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-503-2817
- 215-503-5867 (fax)
Help Hotline
Student Counseling Center Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
For counseling, health services, and support group information at Jefferson
Off Campus: 215-955-HELP (4357)
The Shrink Space
A referral website for connection to off-campus community mental health care providers.
Healthy Living & Wellness Resources
For counseling, health services, and support group information at Jefferson
Off-campus phones, call 215-955-HELP (4357)
Anonymous, online mental health screenings
offered by Mindwise & Jefferson
Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center
1020 Locust Street, B77 Jefferson Alumni Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Myrna Brind Center for Mindfulness
Marcus Institute of Integrative Health
1015 Chestnut Street, Suite 1212
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Diane Reibel, Director
University Health Services (aka JOHN)
33 South Ninth Street, Suite 205
Philadelphia, PA 19107
215-955-6835 | 215-923-5778 fax
Jefferson Sleep Disorders Center
211 S. Ninth Street, 5th floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Eating Disorder Treatment
Renfrew Center
475 Spring Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19128
1-800-RENFREW (736-3739)
Offers intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient services, and more.
JeffQuit Smoking Cessation Program
1013 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Dr. Anna Tobia
Physicians’ Health Program for Medical Students (PHP)
The Foundation of the Pennsylvania Medical Society
1-866-747-2255 or 717-558-7819
Provides support to physicians and medical students in Pennsylvania struggling with addiction or physical or mental challenges. The program also offers information and support to families of impaired physicians and encourages their involvement in the physician recovery process.
Pennsylvania Nurse Peer Assistance Program (PNAP) for Nursing Students
Dedicated to helping nurses and nursing students in Pennsylvania who may be suffering from substance abuse and/or mental illness to recover. Offers referrals for mental health and addiction treatment.
Secundum Artem Reaching Pharmacists With Help (SARPH) for Pharmacy Students
Pennsylvania Peer Assistance Program for the Profession of Pharmacy
Dedicated to helping pharmacists and pharmacy students in Pennsylvania who may be suffering from substance abuse and/or mental illness to recover.
Rehab After Work
Offers individual counseling, intensive outpatient, family therapy, and other services. Accepts most insurances.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Southeastern Pennsylvania
Narcotics Anonymous (NA)