Helping Students Get Connected With the SCC
Upon recognizing a student in need of assistance, Jefferson faculty and staff can help students get connected with the Student Counseling Center (SCC) by informing them about the services available through the SCC and supporting them in making an appointment. Many students may be hesitant to make that “first step” in seeking counseling, so giving them some information about the process can do a lot to help.
To schedule an appointment to see an SCC counselor, Jefferson students can call the SCC at 215-955-HELP (4357), or from an on-campus phone can call 5-HELP for counseling, health services, and support group information at Jefferson. It is helpful to inform students that they may get the SCC voicemail and should leave their name and contact information on the confidential voicemail. An SCC counselor will return their call within one business day.
All enrolled students with a current and valid Jefferson student ID are eligible to receive services from the Student Counseling Center. While there is no defined session limit and no cost for counseling sessions, counselors follow a brief treatment model. During the initial meeting, students will develop a course of action with their counselor, which may include continuing therapy on campus or receiving a referral to an off-campus provider. Occasionally, one session proves sufficient. In some situations, the student decides to see a counselor on an ongoing basis.
For students who desire or need ongoing counseling, SCC counselors are in-network with a limited number of insurance providers. The SCC accepts the United HealthCare Student Resources Plan offered by Thomas Jefferson University. If students have questions about fees and eligibility, they should be encouraged to call the SCC.
As a Jefferson faculty or staff member, what else can I do to help?
JeffHELP is a grant-funded project aimed at developing a sustainable mental health awareness and suicide prevention program for the entire Jefferson community through:
H – Heightened Awareness
E – Educational Enhancements
L – Linkages to Services
P – Promoting Healthy Behaviors
Participation in JeffHELP is open to every member of the Jefferson community: all students, faculty, and staff. We are looking for motivated individuals to assist in all aspects of the project, from attending planning meetings, to distributing materials, to generating new ideas to present before senior leadership at Jefferson. Everyone is welcome and no amount of involvement is too small.
Please contact Rose Milani, or 215-503-6456. Or come visit us at JeffHELP.