Initial Appointment – What to Expect
Please do your best to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early for your initial appointment, to check in with our front desk staff and to complete our registration forms. Students should bring their Jefferson student ID and insurance card for verification. The initial counseling appointment typically lasts 45 to 60 minutes, so please plan accordingly.
During the initial appointment, you will meet with a SCC counselor and develop a course of action with your counselor, which may include continuing counseling on campus or receiving a referral to an off-campus provider.
Student – Fees & Eligibility
All enrolled students with a current and valid Jefferson student ID are eligible to receive services from the Student Counseling Center. While there is no defined session limit and no cost for counseling sessions, counselors follow a brief treatment model. For students in need of long-term care, an in-network referral, and/or an off-campus provider, an SCC counselor will be happy to assist you in getting connected with a provider in the community. SCC staff are also available to assist students at distant locations by providing mental health referrals and resources in the student’s community.
For additional questions and/or information about fees or eligibility, please call the Center at 215-503-2817.