Registrar’s Office
Enrollment Status
The number of course credits you take per academic term determines your official enrollment status as per the information below:
Undergraduate-level students
- Full-time = 12.0 or more credits
- Half-time = 6.0–11.5 credits
- Less than half-time = Up to 5.5 credits
Graduate-level students
- Contact your program director who will provide information on how many credits determine your official enrollment status.
Enrollment Verification
Thomas Jefferson University utilizes the services of the National Student Clearinghouse to verify your enrollment for outside entities. Examples of such entities include but are not limited to:
- Accrediting or licensure agencies
- Insurance companies
- International education agencies
- Loan deferment/repayment companies that do not contract with the National Student Clearinghouse
- Scholarship committees
If you wish to have a letter written verifying your enrollment, our office will be able to process this request. Please complete an Enrollment Certification Request Form (PDF). Please note: enrollment certification letters will not be processed for a term prior to the start date of that term.
The Registrar’s Office certifies enrollment for loan deferment electronically by the National Student Clearinghouse. Therefore, loan deferment forms may not be needed. However, should your lender request a loan deferment form, you may obtain that form from your lender to be completed by the Registrar’s Office.