Visit the Changes in Student Information page to get information on how to change your name in the University’s administrative systems.

Registrar’s Office
Visit the Changes in Student Information page to get information on how to change your Social Security number in the University’s administrative systems.
Visit the Enrollment Status & Verification page to get information on how to change your enrollment status at Thomas Jefferson University.
You can update your address information in BannerWeb under the Personal Information category.
Visit the Registration page for information on how to register for classes.
Visit the Enrollment Status & Verification page to determine if you are a full-time, half-time, or less than half-time student.
Visit the Enrollment Status & Verification page to request enrollment verification.
Visit the Transcripts page to get instructions on how to obtain an unofficial or official transcript.
Visit the Diplomas page for information regarding how to obtain your diploma.
Visit the Diplomas page to get information on how to obtain an Apostille diploma. Visit the Transcripts page to get information on how to obtain an Apostille transcript.
You will be sent detailed instructions on how to apply for graduation when you are eligible.