Registrar’s Office
Questions or Concerns?
An Insider’s Guide to Jefferson Study Space
Thomas Jefferson University provides a variety of study areas to accommodate our students. These include areas for quiet/individual study, formal study by a group, and informal study.
For security purposes, students using open study space as described below must show their Jefferson ID, and may be asked to sign in at the Security Desk with their name and Campus Key, indicate in what area they will be studying, and sign out when they leave.
Please observe the restrictions for each space, and please remove any trash when you leave an area.
Jefferson - Center City Campus
Study rooms/spaces are available to students during the hours listed below.
Shared/Group Study
Rooms: 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215
Monday – Friday: 6pm – 11pm
Saturday – Sunday: 8am – 11pm
Open Student Space
Second Floor Lobby
Monday – Sunday: 8am – 11pm
Study Space
Rooms: 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220
Monday – Friday: 6pm – 11pm
Saturday – Sunday: 8am – 11pm
Open Student Space
Second Floor Lobby
Monday – Sunday: 8am – 11pm
Jeff Alumni Hall
Study Space
Rooms: M21, M23, M24, M25
Monday – Friday: 6pm – 11pm
Saturday – Sunday: 8am – 11pm
Open Student Space
Northwest Student Lounge: 8am – 11pm
Northeast Student lounge: 8am – 11pm
Scott Memorial Library
Quiet Study Floors
The third and fourth floors provide carrels, pods, and tables for quiet study.
Group Study Options
The second floor includes various options for group study, including carrels, tables, study rooms.
There are ten small-group collaboration rooms on the second floor available to students. Each room is fully equipped with a computer, a large flat screen monitor, and a writing surface. Cables to connect your iPad or laptop are available at the service desk.
The six rooms on the west side are unlocked and available any time between 8am – 2am (cleaning between 2 am – 8 am). The four rooms on the east side may be reserved:
The third floor offers six small rooms for individual use or pairs. These rooms are not reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis for up to four hours. Room keys must be checked out from the second floor Service Desk and may be checked out a second time if the room is not on hold by another student.
Jefferson - East Falls Campus
Gutman Library
Study rooms/spaces are available to students during the hours listed below.
Monday – Thursday: 8 am – 2 am
Friday: 8 am – 9 pm
Saturday: 10 am – 5 pm
Sunday: 12 pm – 2 am
Designations are as follows, corresponding with the linked map:
- First floor (Main Level):
- (14) group study room 101; must be reserved in advance with a current Campus ID card
- (15) study room 113
- (16) study room 114
- (17) study room 115
- (18) study room 116
- Second Floor: (quiet space)
- (11) study room 214; contains wall-mounted monitor
- (9) study room 213
- Ground Floor:
- Quiet study space available throughout the floor
- Individual study carrels
There are long tables, study carrels, and soft seating available throughout the library. Please observe markings indicating social distancing at each study space.
All rooms except 101 and 214 have wall-mounted whiteboards. Students can use the mobile whiteboards available in the library for 101 and 214.
All study rooms, except 101, are available on a first-come, first-served basis. A valid Campus ID card is required to reserve space. Rooms may be used for up to four hours (and longer if no one else is waiting for a room).
To book a room, contact the Circulation Desk on the Main Level or call 215-951-2480.