April 28, 2020
Stephen K. Klasko, MD, MBA
President, Thomas Jefferson University
CEO, Jefferson Health
Mark L. Tykocinski, MD
Provost and EVP for Academic Affairs
Dean, Sidney Kimmel Medical College
As we approach the end of what has been a unique spring semester, we are writing with an important update regarding our plans for the fall 2020 semester.
Many universities are still deciding on their path forward, but we want you to know now that we plan to resume on-campus classes and operations this fall. In delivering your education in-person, we will operate within a framework that maximizes safety and abides by local, state and federal regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have heard from so many of you about your eagerness to return to campus, a feeling shared by our faculty and staff. This sentiment has in no small part informed our decision.
In the spirit of a ‘Jefferson Engaged’ back-to-campus roadmap, we intend to be as flexible as possible this fall in addressing your needs and preferences. In doing so, we will tap into the creative spirit that has defined our university’s approach to education and discovery for two centuries. Innovation in our in-person learning formats—in studios, labs, simulation centers, all kinds of small group didactics—will be complemented by an expanded toolbox of state-of-the-art digital education tools and approaches.
At a time when many other universities will be retrenching, we will be investing even more. In optimizing learning formats, spaces and tools, we will, as always, focus on your educational experience and professional development, but now ever more attentive to maximizing safety.
More specifically, our plans for the fall 2020 semester include:
- Expanding class schedules so we can create smaller classes, labs and studios to incorporate appropriate social distancing practices
- Opening residence halls, as well as dining, athletic and other campus facilities maximizing safety
- Restarting clinical rotations in accordance with best safety practices
- Developing more options for digital learning, even while you are on campus
- Exploring an all-digital learning opportunity for those students who might prefer this option for the fall 2020 semester
- Investing in even more professional development for our faculty, especially in the area of digital education
- Expanding academic and personal support services for our students
In all of this, we will reinforce our commitment to our compelling value propositions for students: pioneering transdisciplinary Nexus Learning; emphasizing experiential learning; and infusing our professional training tracks with the liberal arts. These are being enhanced with newly developed creativity and professions-focused computational thinking offerings. Jefferson has been at the forefront in recognizing that our students will be entering a very different work world as this century unfolds, and no doubt, the change will only accelerate in a post-COVID-19 era. We are positioned to train you for this new professional landscape—to embrace its enormous opportunities and face down its challenges.
The message is clear. Regardless of the situation this fall and recognizing circumstances may change and require a different course of action, we will be prepared. Out of what has been a very difficult time for universities, students, the nation and the world, we are confident new creative possibilities will emerge. We are positioned to tap into those possibilities, with you, the students, front and center.
Undoubtedly, the means by which we had to finish out the spring semester in crisis mode was not ideal and certainly not something any of us wanted to do. Yet, we did what was necessary to ensure that you were able to continue your academic progress toward graduation. No one could have predicted that our faculty would have to move more than 2,700 course sections online in such a short period of time. That is exactly what they did, and we are proud of how they addressed this unimaginable task. We are equally proud of you, our students, and how you reacted to this transition in the face of a global pandemic. The Thomas Jefferson University community will be stronger for how we came together to not only survive, but to thrive during this time.
We cannot wait to be able to welcome you back to campus! Please continue to check your University email and we will keep you updated throughout the summer as we have more information. As a reminder, if the COVID-19 pandemic has personally impacted you or your family and you need assistance, please reach out to Student Life by calling 215.951.2740 for the East Falls Campus or 215.990.6920 for the Center City Campus.
Thank you. Please stay safe and be well.