The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) may be stressful and anxiety-provoking to people, especially those who are already experiencing significant change and displacement as a university student. Being proactive about developing a wellness plan will help you cope with some of the added stressors many of you are feeling and will help you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. Remember, your approach to holistic wellness is a personal journey (You determine what works best!) but please know, that we are here to help.

Wellness Tips
To best optimize wellness and happiness, we encourage focusing on the eight dimensions of wellness - Emotional, Environmental, Financial, Intellectual, Occupational, Physical, Social and Spiritual. Read more about the eight dimensions wellness on the JFRC website.
Emotional Wellness Tips
Allow yourself time to reflect on what you are feeling, acknowledge that this is a difficult time globally, and that many may be feeling the same way. Recognizing that you’re not alone can help lessen suffering. Below are a few downloadable guided meditations from to aid you in your practice of self-compassion:
When there is uncertainty, we can have tendencies for irrational or catastrophic thinking. Recognize generalizing or stigmatizing behaviors or attitude changes towards individuals from other countries, and be proactive at challenging these thoughts. Reframe automatic negative thoughts with a more realistic perspective.
A way to acknowledge your emotions but prevent it from taking over your day, is to set aside a period of time during the day (10-30 minutes) to worry. In this way, you set a limit and boundary to your worry so you don’t get caught up in a thought spiral.
Physical Wellness Tips
Keep structure to your schedule and maintain as much of your daily routine to the extent possible. Get up around the same time of day, take a shower, eat regular meals, and be consistent with your sleep schedule.
To the best of your ability, maintain an exercise routine and keep physically active. The Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Centers are actively offering virtual programs to keep you and active and involved. Follow them on Instagram @_jrfc and @Jeffersonef_fit for daily updates, live group exercise classes, live Q&A’s with a Jefferson Registered Dietician, Personal Trainers and Group Exercise Instructors. See below for more details on the offerings from the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center.
Environmental Wellness Tips
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily. Stay home if you are sick, except to get medical care. Maintain social distancing measures.
With remote learning and remote working, it is important to create a work space that is comfortable and conducive to learning. To the extent possible, cultivate a space that limits distraction, is separate from your sleep space, and includes meaningful artwork, photos of loved ones, or some greenery to gaze upon. Working in a space that has access to daytime sunlight is even better, so you can get some essential Vitamin D.
Social Wellness Tips
Supporting each other is important during these difficult times. Use the available technology to stay in touch by phone, text, Skype, Facetime, Netflix Party, and other social networking platforms while at home and maintaining social distancing.
Send messages of hope and gratitude to healthcare providers. Check in on them by phone, text, or video. Keep consistent with social distancing measures for them. Inform your healthcare providers that there are two meditation applications, Ten Percent Happier and HeadSpace that are offering free subscriptions for six months or more to health care providers.
- Email TenPercent Happier at and the healthcare provider will be sent instructions on how to get access
Spiritual Wellness Tips
Stay grounded in the present moment, which can help you maintain an internal sense of stability and balance when outside events feel threatening. If you participate in a faith-based organization, see if they are streaming services online or virtually. For those who are experienced meditators, looking to start a meditation practice, or simply looking for a resource to help with COVID-19 anxiety, the TenPercent Happier website is hosting free livestreams and videos on their website related to managing COVID-19 stress at
15-Minute Practice Session Tue
Every Tuesday 12:30-12:45 pm
Zoom Meeting Info
To join by phone: +1 646 876 9923
Meeting ID: 954 0936 3161
Financial Wellness Tips
Worry can be exacerbated by loss of income and financial uncertainty. If you have financial concerns, the Financial Aid Department at Jefferson is just a click away and can help you with financial aid packages, loan options, graduating student repayment options, Federal Work Study and more. To schedule a phone session, please e-mail
The Jefferson Health Community Resource is searchable by zip code to help users locate free or low-cost programs including food.
Intellectual & Occupational Wellness Tips
Limit exposure to media outlets that sensationalize or may be providing less credible or inaccurate information. Accurate up-to-date information about COVID-19 may be obtained through the Center for Disease Control website at
Be aware of campus resources that can help, including faculty office hours, peer support, and on-campus academic and student support resources. If you or a peer has high distress that does not seem to be lessening, call the counseling center. Your campus community is here to help!
Resources for Jefferson Students
215-955-HELP (4357)
Offering counseling and psychiatric consultation via telehealth and telephone. Please leave your contact name and number on the voicemail, and staff will return your call. For more information visit the counseling center webpage.
215-955-HELP (4357)
Offering counseling and psychiatric consultation via telehealth and telephone. Please leave your contact name and number on the voicemail, and staff will return your call. To learn more about the East Falls Campus counseling center visit their webpage.
Crisis Resources For All
- 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
- 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. (TTY 1-800-846-8517)
- Text CONNECT to 741-741 for crisis support
- Text HOME to 741-741 for Coronavirus anxiety
- The World Health Organization Mental Health and Psychosocial Considerations During COVID-19 Outbreak
- Anonymous, online mental health screenings offered by Mindwise and Jefferson
- Virtual recovery groups for substance use disorders
- "The Science of Well-being" online course offered by Coursera and Yale can be audited for free
- The Down Dog app (yoga, barre, cardio) is free until January 2022 for students
- The Calm app
- National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Current schedule and activities are emailed out each week to the East Falls Campus (see below). All direct links, hours, and gym/fitness and class reservation information are listed. It is also on our Fitness & Recreation website (a separate tab on our Jefferson Rams homepage):
Updates are also posted on the Instagram page @jeffersonef_fit
All East Falls group exercise classes are in person – with the exception of the yoga class on Wednesday nights on Zoom.
We are excited to share with you that the Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center is now open! Although some of the policies and operating procedures will be changing to meet the criteria defined by the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, we are excited to see everyone again and look forward to helping you reach your fitness goals. Please visit the links provided below to learn more about our reopening procedures.
Monday through Friday:
7 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
*all group exercise classes will remain on-line.
The Jefferson Recreation & Fitness Center is continuing to offer a number of programs designed to engage you from home! Not only will we be doing Instagram TV episodes but we will also be offering live, Q&A’s with dieticians and trainers while exploring other options to bring our programs, knowledge and ideas virtually into your homes! Be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss out on our latest post!
- Our virtual Fitness and Wellness Classes will give you lots of options for workouts/relaxation strategies this week
There is no additional cost for any of the classes, so text your friends and work out "together'! We are offering some of the classes on IG Live, and others on Zoom. The Zoom classes will give you an opportunity to connect more with the instructor, and others in the class. You will, of course, have the option of keeping your camera on or turning it off for the class. The Zoom classes will NOT be recorded, so remember to add the classes to your schedule, so you don't miss your favorites!!
Follow us on Instagram for all the latest offerings and wellness tips: AND
We are also excited to be re-opening the Gallagher Athletic Center.
Reservations are REQUIRED, and you must have a Jefferson East Falls ID to enter! Bookings can be made up to seven days in advance and are limited to 17 per hour. Masks will be required at ALL times.
Live Events
Take a look at the short video from your fitness staff.
Also our virtual Fitness and Wellness Classes will give you lots of options for workouts/relaxation strategies this week! From yoga and meditation classes to HIIT, Tabata, Pilates, dance, Zumba,and nutrition tips (and so much more), our goal is to provide you with simple wellness tools to keep you healthy at home. Please join us!!
Follow us on Instagram for all the latest offerings! @jeffersonef_fit/AND@_jrfc/
ALL classes are free! Schedule of Fitness and Wellness classes on Instagram, YouTube or Zoom this week
Social distancing has brought about a number of challenges but it has also encouraged people to be a bit more creative with their daily routines and social interactions. A fantastic, and wildly popular virtual outlet is on-line gaming. Weather its Fortnite, FIFA, Call of Duty or any of the thousand other games out there, there are people in the Jefferson community who want to connect! We have created a shared Google Document where Jefferson students (and staff) can share their on-line gaming handles, their gaming system and the game preferences.
Message Jefferson Recreation and Fitness on their Instagram page, @_JRFC
- Facebook: Like & follow our Facebook page, @JeffRecreation, for additional access to our workout videos and wellness tips!
- YouTube: Been missing your favorite instructor’s group fitness class? Not a problem! Check out our YouTube channel (linked below) for access to full length group fitness classes. Be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications so you don’t miss out on our latest post!
- Our virtual Fitness and Wellness Classes will give you lots of options for workouts/relaxation strategies this week! See the full schedule below, and follow us on Instagram for all the latest offerings! (If you are not able to join any of the IG LIVE classes at the designated times, they will be available when YOU are - either on Instagram or our YouTube channels) AND
ALL classes are free!
New workout ideas: In addition to the daily workouts posted on our Instagram pages, Here is a 4 week guide! For added resistance, grab any weighted object or tack on some extra time. All of these guides are AMRAP (as many rounds as possible).
@cdcgov for updated, reliable information about COVID-19
@jeffersoncounselingservices for affirmations, stress management, and connection
For physical wellness tips visit Jefferson Recreation and Fitness Centers: