Q&A for Exposure, Quarantine, & Illness

Q&A for Exposure, Quarantine, & Illness

Remember: Do NOT report to your clinical site or to any on campus activities if you feel ill: fever, chills, shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, nausea/diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, or body aches. If in doubt, contact your supervisor or program director and stay home.

General guidance for students with COVID related questions/symptoms/exposures:

Students who are experiencing symptoms of any type of illness – COVID included – please do the following:

  • East Falls, Voorhees, JIB and Bucks County campus students should call Student Health Services in East Falls at 215-951-2986.
  • Center City and Abington-Dixon campus students should call Jefferson Occupational Health Network (JOHN) in Center City at 215-955-6835.
  • If outside of business hours, call your primary care physician or use JeffConnect, Jefferson’s telehealth service, which can be used by Jefferson students free of charge.

(Students who utilize JeffConnect should still contact Student Health Services or JOHN after the appointment.)

  • If you are feeling symptoms of sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, nausea and vomiting, loss of taste and smell, the most important first step is to isolate yourself away from your roommates and/or significant others in your home. Do not report to class or any clinical experience.
  • Call or email Student Health Services or JOHN using the contact information above.
  • If you are experiencing severe symptoms of COVID-19 (i.e. significant shortness of breath, protracted vomiting, severe headaches), and need medical treatment, contact JeffConnect or telephone the closest emergency department to discuss further evaluation.

  • Per the CDC, the data for what is considered prolonged contact is insufficient. They recommend treating any contact 15 minutes or longer with a confirmed COVID-19 positive individual while not wearing a face mask (or eye protection if that individual was not wearing a face mask) as prolonged.
  • Please be sure to follow the guidance given regarding isolation and self-care. 

  • Notify the appropriate people that you will be absent from class/clinical (preceptor/site contact, program clinical coordinator, course faculty member).
  • Your program will work with you to develop an individual plan regarding return to clinical rotations and/or on campus activities, any work needs to be made up, or options for virtual learning.
  • If you remain symptomatic and need to stay out longer than 5 days, please call JOHN/Student Health Services/JeffConnect or your primary care provider to be seen.

Occupational health and safety concerns both at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and its academic affiliates are treated very seriously. Please report these concerns by emailing as follows:

A clinician will respond to your concerns as quickly as possible.

Remember, to minimize risk of exposure to COVID, it is crucial that all students wear the proper PPE in all patient encounters.  Students are also reminded about general safety measures including washing hands frequently, covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and avoiding large gatherings.