Information for Faculty & Staff
Please rest assured that the safety of our faculty, staff and students remains a top priority for us as we prepare for our return to campus. We are continually reevaluating our plans to ensure that they are consistent with CDC and federal guidelines.
It is important that you check your Jefferson email frequently for updates. Please note that faculty and staff are required to use their @jefferson.edu email for all Jefferson-related business. We're encouraging all faculty and staff to frequently check the Workplace Guidance MyJeffHub Page. This page is updated as needed. We will continue to share additional updates regarding the academic year in the days and weeks ahead.
Online Learning Resources for Faculty:
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jefferson faculty have had to quickly transition their courses online. The Center for Faculty Development and Nexus Learning is mindful of the challenges this transition may have posed.
To help, the Center created a Canvas site (Faculty Support for Online Teaching and Learning) dedicated to supporting faculty with their online teaching and learning needs. The site offers practical guidance and support to adapt classroom- and workplace-based teaching practices to the realities of interacting with learners at a distance as well as several discussion boards that aim to share best practices and success stories among our faculty and to support one another.
To access the ‘Faculty Support for Online Teaching and Learning’ Canvas site, click the link below and log-in with a Jefferson campus key and password. Once the invitation is accepted, faculty can take full advantage of this resource.