Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

In recognition of JCIPE’s growth since its founding in 2007, we undertook a strategic planning process, beginning in the summer of 2022, to celebrate our achievements, and identify our key aims and opportunities for the future.

Our strategic planning process utilized an appreciative inquiry approach which focused on harnessing JCIPE’s unique strengths, identified through input from multiple stakeholders to formulate our future vision and drive positive change to achieve that vision.

In line with appreciative inquiry, stakeholders including community members, students, alumni, faculty, staff, leaders at Thomas Jefferson University, and IPE leaders across the country, interviewed one another to identify JCIPE’s strengths and opportunities. We are grateful for their thoughtful contributions!

Subsequently, JCIPE faculty and staff gathered at an in-person retreat to review and expand upon stakeholder input. Using the SOAR approach, we discussed JCIPE’s Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, and Results, compiled major themes within these categories, and developed JCIPE’s key strategic aims.

Strategic Planning

  • Facilitate connections and collaboration across the Jefferson enterprise
  • Expand JCIPE presence in the clinical learning and practice environments
  • Continue integration of IPE into curricula for all health professions
  • Build and disseminate scholarship in interprofessional collaborative practice
  • Expand and enhance work on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging
(What does JCIPE do well?)
(What can JCIPE do more of?)
  • Connecting people and fostering collaboration across the enterprise
  • Delivering high-quality, engaging interprofessional programs
  • Supporting creative, skilled, and passionate faculty and staff
  • Moving into clinical learning and practice environments
  • Expanding opportunities for connections and collaboration
  • Growing scholarship in interprofessional collaborative practice
  • Building upon diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging work to support and sustain inclusivity and equity
(What are our dreams for JCIPE?)
(What measures JCIPE's success?)
  • Embedding JCIPE programs into coursework for all health professions
  • Weaving interprofessional collaborative practice into clinical learning and practice environments
  • Collecting and disseminating robust longitudinal assessments and evaluations of interprofessional programs and their impact
  • Expanding integration of interprofessional initiatives into curricula
  • Enhancing interprofessional collaborative practice in clinical learning and practice environment
  • Supporting dissemination of longitudinal assessments and scholarship

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