Team Simulation & Fearlessness Education (TeamSAFE)

Using the framework of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) national, evidence-based TeamSTEPPS® program, TeamSAFE continues to expand its reach at Jefferson. 

The program teaches students leadership, situational awareness, team support, and communication skills, with a special emphasis on speaking up about patient safety concerns. Students must apply these skills while working in teams and reflect on their experience in debriefing sessions that follow the simulation exercises.

Introductory TeamSAFE, Spring 2018

TeamSAFE trains about 1,000 Jefferson students each year and is fully embedded as a requirement for students from medical imaging and radiation sciences, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, pharmacy, physician assistant, and population health academic programs.

JCIPE recently piloted an Advanced TeamSAFE program, intended to reinforce the teamwork skills learned in the introductory course. Students who participate in the advanced version of the program experience cases with greater clinical complexity, using high-fidelity simulation.

Advanced TeamSAFE, Spring 2018