Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide® (JTOG®)
130 South Ninth Street
Suite 1839
Philadelphia, PA 19107
What is the Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide® ?
The Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide® (JTOG®) is a real-time, 360-degree, competency-based assessment tool that measures how well teams and individuals collaborate in educational and clinical settings. The JTOG was developed and refined over the course of last decade with input from students, clinicians, patients, and interprofessional education/collaborative practice experts.
While initially developed as an educational tool for pre-licensure students, it is becoming clear that the JTOG is an easy-to-use instrument that can also assess the behavior of clinicians in practice – all from multiple perspectives. Today, the JTOG solicits team members’ perspectives on their teams’ collective performance on the core IPE competencies by asking each individual team member to indicate their level of agreement with a series of behaviorally based statements.
In addition to soliciting feedback about observable behaviors tied to core collaborative practice competencies, the JTOG also solicits feedback via two open-ended questions about perceived team strengths and areas for improvement.