Background Checks
Prospective Students
All students who are offered admission to Jefferson College of Nursing (JCN) are required to have a criminal background check and child abuse clearance, be fingerprinted and undergo a drug test. The Office of Admissions will provide you with the appropriate information to complete this requirement.
Clinical rotation and fieldwork sites that require a criminal background check, child abuse clearance and/or fingerprinting may deny a student's participation in the clinical experience, rotation or fieldwork because of a felony or misdemeanor conviction or a record of child abuse. Clinical sites may also deny participation in clinical experiences for other reasons, such as failure of a required drug test or inability to produce an appropriate health clearance. As participation in clinical experiences, rotations or fieldwork is a required part of the curriculum and a requirement for graduation, denial of participation by a clinical site may result in delay of graduation or the inability to graduate from the program.
Regardless of whether or not a student graduates from Jefferson College of Nursing, individuals who have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor may be denied certification or licensure as a health professional. Information regarding individual eligibility may be obtained from the appropriate credentialing bodies.
JCN uses the American Data Bank to process students' background checks. Visit American Data Bank for more information and details on the various requirements.
Returning Students
As a returning student to Jefferson College of Nursing, American Data Bank requirements must be completed annually.