A professor, student, and medical doctor discussing population health strategies at Thomas Jefferson University's Master's in Public Health program

Public Health

Admissions Information

Explore your program of interest through the menu on the left, and review the application instructions to learn more about the requirements, review process, and important deadlines below.

We are here to help you through every step of the process. Please let us know how we can help.

Application Instructions

Notes for Applicants

Public Health Dual Degree Applicants

  • Dual degree MD/MPH and DO/MPH applicants typically apply for a fall (September) trimester start.  
  • MS in Emergency & Disaster Management (EDM)/MPH applicants submit their application via MyJefferson, the application system for the EDM program. Current EDM students may apply to the dual degree by contacting JCPH.Admissions@jefferson.edu.

Public Health Bridge Applicants

  • Undergraduate students from Rutgers Camden Health Sciences program may apply to the public health program to take classes while still earning their bachelor’s degree.

Public Health Advanced Standing Applicants

  • Advanced Starnding applicants are required to have a terminal clinical degree (e.g., MD, DO) from a LCME or COCA accredited institution.