HIV Primary Care Fellowship
Program Information
Letter from Fellowship Director
We recognize the need for physician workforce development to meet the growing need for well-trained physicians in the field of HIV care. Our goal is to create a partnership combining the strengths of Jefferson Family and Community Medicine (FCM) and Internal Medicine (IM) with Infectious Diseases (ID) to train future providers of HIV care. Our 1-year program designed for graduates of ACGME-accredited FCM or IM residency programs seeking additional training to care for patients infected with HIV.
The HIV Primary Care Fellowship is based on a comprehensive, personalized approach to caring for patients and communities affected by HIV. We are well-positioned with the strength and commitment of our divisions to integrate our distinct skill sets and recognize that HIV is a chronic co-morbid condition that disproportionately affects racial and sexual minorities. The outpatient HIV practice at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital is supported by Ryan White Parts A & D funding, which allows access to care regardless of ability to pay. A core of three ID-trained physicians and one FCM-trained physician provide care to 500 HIV-infected patients.
As of 2016, the estimated HIV incidence in Philadelphia was two times the national average. Nearly 20,000 Philadelphians are living with HIV. Although 90% of people diagnosed with HIV in Philadelphia are linked to HIV medical care within three months of diagnosis, just 46% are retained in care, defined as two or more medical visits at least 90 days apart, and only 51% of all people living with HIV are virally suppressed. Significant racial disparities in HIV disease exist in Philadelphia. And, people living in poverty bear the burden of HIV disease. A comprehensive approach to HIV prevention and treatment is needed to address the ongoing epidemic and increase community-level viral suppression.
As HIV infection has transformed over the past 30 years from an invariably fatal illness to a manageable lifelong chronic condition, primary care providers are uniquely positioned to provide competent and comprehensive HIV care within the context of caring for the complex psychosocial needs of individuals infected with HIV.
Marshal Miller, MD, AAHIVS
Program Director, HIV Medicine Fellowship
Specific Aims
- Provide an HIV-focused clinical learning experience with time and resources to develop HIV knowledge base
- Create regional and national networking opportunities with rotations at outside institutions and attendance at national meetings
- Design research activities that foster clinical inquiry and develop familiarity with current HIV literature
Application Process & Deadline
OCTOBER 1 - The interview process begins and is on a rolling basis
JANUARY 1 - Application Deadline
MARCH - APRIL - Notification of acceptance
Applicant Requirements
Fellows must be graduates of ACGME-accredited Family Medicine or Internal Medicine residency programs and be board certified/board eligible. Applications should consist of a letter of interest in the fellowship, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference, including one from the applicant’s residency program director.
Salary & Benefits
Fellows will be credentialed as attendings at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (TJUH). The fellow may elect to do additional clinical sessions which may result in a higher base salary and will be fully eligible for incentive bonus based on clinical productivity per the TJUH/JUP compensation plan. The fellow will considered a full-time employee of TJUH and will have standard health, dental, disability, and malpractice insurance coverage. They will also receive a CME time and financial stipend, licensing reimbursement, retirement contributions and vacation time per TJUH faculty guidelines.