Mental Illness, Addiction, & Primary Care Fellowship
HRSA T32 Jefferson Mental Illness, Addiction, & Primary Care (JeffMAP) Fellowship
The Jefferson Mental Illness, Addiction, and Primary Care (Jeff-MAP) post-doctoral T32 fellowship is a two- or three-year training opportunity funded by HRSA and supported by: The Departments of Family and Community Medicine, Psychiatry, and Emergency Medicine, the Center for Connected Care, the Jefferson Maternal Addiction Treatment Education and Research (MATER) program, the Jefferson Narcotic Addiction Rehabilitation Program (NARP) outpatient methadone treatment program, and community partner Project HOME.
This collaborative, multi-department and interdisciplinary training program will prepare 10 exceptional post-doctoral trainees to cultivate research projects in areas of urgent need in our region and nationally. This project will focus on addressing the closely interrelated priorities of ending the crisis of opioid use disorders and improving mental health access and care in integrated primary care and behavioral health settings. Research projects that include secondary data analysis, original research, and intervention development related to telehealth, integrated care, and medication assisted treatment are of specific interest. Jeff-MAP will be led by experienced faculty with demonstrated success in mentorship, training, and research, whose work has made meaningful impacts on the delivery of primary care services. The goal of Jeff-MAP is to prepare a diverse new generation of primary care researchers with advanced knowledge and skills to implement and evaluate innovative programs designed to improve the health and health care experience of populations affected by mental illness and opioid use disorder in the integrated primary and behavioral care setting.
Career Development
Weekly Jeff-MAP research seminars and fellowship meetings with the Program Director will provide fellows with the opportunity to present their projects, presentations, grants, and papers and get feedback from their peers and faculty. They will receive guidance on how to best offer constructive feedback to each other and use these skills to allow guide their mentorship of students. They will also learn project management skills and troubleshooting research challenges.
Fellows will also have the opportunity to mentor medical students on an ongoing basis, solidifying their development as future mentors and educators.
Monthly workshops will provide additional instruction on the skills required for a career in research. Workshop topics include:
- Protocol development
- Grant writing, federal and non-federal grants
- Software orientation and trainings
- Data management and cleaning
- Working on teams and leadership skills
- Anti-racism, anti-stigma, and anti-sexism training
- Presentation skills
- Intervention development
- Research dissemination strategies
- Effective writing techniques
- Interview and negotiation skills
Fellows will participate in quarterly Leadership Team meetings to review individualized training plans and discuss continuous program improvement.
Fellows will attend the HRSA annual meeting and present their research to local stakeholder groups and at national conferences. Each fellow will present at two scholarly meetings, submit 2 manuscripts and 1 grant application per year. In addition, each fellow will present their projects to community stakeholders and local health or mental health government agencies annually.
Medical doctors who require additional formal training, such as a Master’s in Public Health, will receive tuition assistance as part of their participation in this fellowship.
Leadership Team
The Jeff-MAP fellowship is led and supported by an interdisciplinary Leadership Team who are in key positions in multiple departments that must coordinate services for people with mental illness/opioid use disorder. All of our Leadership Team have significant experience in successfully applying for foundation and federal grants, publications in high impact journals, and presentations with local and national professional forums.
Faculty Publications
Application Instructions
Go to the Jefferson HR website
Select the Search Jobs tab (Yellow Box).
Click “Search Jobs Now” button on the bottom of the page.
This will take you to our Careers website. You will need to register a username and password to begin the application if you have never submitted an application with us. If you have, log in using your existing username and password.
Once you have created an account click on Keyword Search.
Enter the Job Opening ID 9292988 or 9309575 (two openings) and click “Search”. This will take you to the job posting to complete application and submit your CV and cover letter.
Kindly condense all of your application materials into one simple doucment for submission.