Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency
At a Glance
833 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Residency Culture
We are committed to cultivating a supportive environment that values work-life balance, open communication and constructive feedback. Building a sense of community is fundamental to the success of our university, department, faculty and trainees.
Resident Feedback
Residents are encouraged to provide feedback on their training experience on an ongoing basis. We actively solicit feedback from our residents during weekly education division meetings, scheduled residency business meetings and via the resident suggestion box. Annually, all residents and faculty are required to provide anonymous feedback for the Program Evaluation Committee Meeting. Feedback received during this process helps to change and improve the structure of the residency program. Our residents have a direct impact on the development of the conference and rotation schedules, which include protected time to help maintain a positive work-life balance.
Community Engagement & Advocacy
Our department shares a passion for providing equitable care to all patients and treating everyone with compassion and respect. We value diversity and are committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of underserved communities. We offer community service opportunities at all levels and encourage residents to actively participate in the communities they serve. Residents rotate through the Jefferson Latina Clinic and women’s health clinics, and serve as preceptors at the student-run clinic in a local homeless shelter. Residents may also use elective time for regional or global health opportunities.
Extracurricular Programs
Below is a sampling of programs that shape the resident community and experience.
Resident Retreat
Our annual retreat takes place each summer. The retreat emphasizes team building (and fun!) through activities, such as bowling and goat yoga.
Resident Support Group
Each class meets monthly with the Associate Program Director to discuss personal and professional development.
The Obstetrical Society of Philadelphia
The OB Society is very active with monthly educational dinners and lectures that are available and free for residents, and a city-wide Resident Education Day every May.
Mentoring Program
Incoming interns are assigned "big sibs" from the previous intern class and a faculty mentor from our full-time faculty. “Sib” pairs meet at least four times a year for mutual support and direction.