Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency
At a Glance
833 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Hello & Welcome to the OB/GYN Residency Program Page
Our residents and faculty commit to the care of the patient and each other, resulting in a supportive environment in which to work and learn.
We offer an innovative academic setting in a large and diverse city with several unique clinical experiences, including the treatment of substance use disorder in pregnancy, a robust, four-year Family Planning curriculum and the opportunity to complete robot certification. Residents can also pursue areas of particular interest during their third- and fourth-year elective time.
We believe that a supportive environment with mentorship and comradery helps promote the drive to put the patient first. We seek applicants who will take advantage of the numerous educational opportunities offered at Jefferson, including protected learning time every week that includes a didactic schedule created by and for residents and focuses on developing knowledge.
We encourage self-directed learning through reading and participating in research and skill development through scheduled simulation sessions and access to a state-of-the-art simulation center.
We support each and every resident’s growth and development and quickly incorporate residents into patient care. We develop clinical and surgical skills under the supervision of qualified faculty.
We believe that diversity makes us a stronger and better place to work and learn. To that end, we have been seeking to increase the diversity of the residency classes, in addition to the faculty and staff who work here.
We take a broader view of diversity and value all of the individual qualities that make us each unique. This is reflected in our application process and our expectations of the group, both individually and together. As a department and institution, we are consciously working to address disparities of care in our larger community and the bias and discrimination that is pervasive throughout academic medicine.
Julia Switzer, MD
Residency Program Director
Assistant Professor
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology