Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency
At a Glance
833 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Current Residents
Each year, we are proud to accept five of the brightest, future OBGYN leaders into the Thomas Jefferson University Obstetrics & Gynecology Residency program. Our residents exemplify our department’s diversity, representing a wide range of backgrounds, experiences and interests.
Learn why our residents chose Thomas Jefferson University for their OBGYN residency and what inspires them as they pursue their passion for helping others through medicine.
Nadine El Fawal
Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
I wanted to be at a residency program where I was both supported and challenged, with a diverse patient population in terms of cultural, social and economic standing, as well as pathology and a culture of kindness, respect and growth. Jefferson was exactly all of these things; I’m so excited to learn from everyone at Jeff!
Aliyah Hauser, MD
McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
I chose Jefferson because I wanted an academic program providing excellent training emphasizing advocacy for underserved populations and reproductive justice. I am also interested in pursuing a fellowship and knew Jefferson would provide ample research opportunities, extensive exposure to major subspecialties, and a robust mentorship program. The empathy and humility of the faculty and residents stood out to me during my interview and made me feel at home. Seeing these relationships affirmed my belief that Jefferson is the best place for my personal and professional growth. Lastly, as a proud lifelong Texan, I am thrilled to train in a place where I can learn to provide comprehensive reproductive healthcare.
Gabriella Lo Monaco, MD
Renaissance School of Medicine at Stony Brook University
I was so excited to open my match day envelope and see I would be an OBGYN resident at Jefferson. My desire to go to Jefferson was so heavily influenced by multiple factors, I was drawn to the positive environment of educators that is seen in all memebers of the department. It was clear this would be an environment that I could learn, ask questions, be challenged and supported through my residency training. It is also clear from both faculty as well as the hospital system, that this is a place where people are passionate about treating and serving their patient population. Lastly, I am excited about the solid foundation this program provides for a practice as a generalist. To have comprehensive training in so many aspects of this field from family planning, minimally invasive surgery, high risk obstetrics and outpatient ambulatory care - I am excited to create a strong foundation to practice in the future. This is somewhere I am already proud to work and am grateful I get to spend my next four years here.
Darienne Madlala
Boston University School of Medicine
The first time I heard about Jefferson was during the summer before residency applications. I was on my MFM Sub-Internship and was taking care of a patient with a twin pregnancy who was being considered for cerclage placement. My attending at the time was an MFM Jeff alum who recommended that I read about the research available on cerclage in twin gestation so I could better counsel my patient. The more I read about this topic, the more I learned that most of this work was produced by MFMs at Jeff. This was the very first time I considered Jefferson. It was a dream that I envisioned for myself to work somewhere that was on the forefront of evidence based medicine. During my interview day and pre-interview social, I got the sense that the interpersonal relationships between faculty and residents was collegial and they emphasized the importance of a healthy learning environment which aligned with my priorities. Now being here for a few weeks, Jefferson has lived up to my expectations and I’m excited to participate in the improvement of maternal practices and outcomes both in research and clinically.
Samuel Schultz, MD
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
As a Jefferson student, I already experienced how incredible the environment at TJUH was for teaching and learning. I wanted to continue training at a program that combines rigorous research with community engaged care. I also noticed how the residents and attendings formed a strong community that emphasized collaboration and looking out for one another. Finally, Jefferson's patient population reflects the city of Philadelphia, with diverse needs, from complex surgeries to medical management of substance use disorders during pregnancy. I am extremely excited to be continuing my training at Jefferson and to now be a member of its OB/GYN residency!
Anne Bocage, MD
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
I was thrilled to find out I would be joining the Jefferson family! Everyone I spoke to about the program was kind and supportive which was really important to me in looking at programs. On my interview day, I was impressed by the program’s strong clinical training, support for resident research, wellness initiatives, and unique training opportunities such as the substance use disorder in pregnancy treatment program and the ability to work closely with midwives. Finally, I am passionate about the opportunity to work with such a diverse patient population and love the city of Philadelphia!
Maria Marcos, MD
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
I am so thrilled to be an OB/GYN resident at Jefferson! In my search for the perfect residency program, I wanted a program that emphasized patient advocacy, reproductive justice, and had a diverse patient population. I found that and so much more at Jefferson! Being a Ryan Residency program with a strong four-year family planning curriculum, Jefferson allows me to provide abortion and family planning care to our patients. As a Venezuelan-American woman, I was really drawn to the Jefferson Latina Clinic and to the diverse population of Philadelphia. I was impressed by the unique educational curriculum that includes social determinants of health, mentorship, and ample research opportunities. I believe that it is incredibly important to give back to one’s community and Jeff residents actively incorporate volunteer initiatives to give back to the community. Finally, it was evident that there was a strong support system and sense of comradery amongst the residents. I want a residency program that will foster my love for humanistic medicine and will allow me to be a patient-centered physician. I know that I have found that at Jeff. I am so grateful and honored to be a part of the Jeff OB/GYN residency family!
Mymy Nguyen, MD
Boston University School of Medicine
After so many years working towards becoming a doctor, I’ve realized our biggest asset is time. For me, choosing a residency meant choosing where my time would feel fruitful, challenging and fulfilling. Jefferson stood out the most not only because residents receive exceptional training but also, everyone I had met maintained their kindness and love for the profession. Above all, I wanted to be in a place where I felt welcomed to make mistakes, ask questions and learn. Coming with an MD/MBA, I was also looking for support in building new leaders for the future of women’s health. This was easily my top choice because I knew I would be trained well and still have an enjoyable life outside of medicine. I cannot express how grateful and excited I am to call this place my new home for the next 4 years.
Mary Van Schaick, MD
Medical College of Wisconsin
When applying to residency programs, there were several factors that were important to me. I wanted a program that was committed to comprehensive, compassionate abortion training, and was excited by Jefferson’s emphasis on advocacy, reproductive justice and their longitudinal family planning curriculum. I also sought out a program that had a strong MFM department and look forward to being able to partake in the prolific research of the MFMs at Jefferson. Additionally, I am very interested in the MATER program offered at Jefferson, which aligns with my goals of learning to provide compassionate care for people undergoing substance use disorder in pregnancy. On my interview day, I felt immediately comfortable with the faculty and residents I spoke with and knew that these were the people I hoped to work alongside for the next four years. I cant wait to move to Philadelphia and work at Jefferson alongside residents and faculty who share my goals and values.
Charlette Williams, MD
College of Medicine, University of Florida
I knew that Jefferson was the place for me after my wonderful experience as a visiting student during my fourth year of medical school. It was evident right from the start that the entire community breeds a culture of respect, humility, and academic excellence. Additionally, Jefferson’s emphasis on supporting the LGBTQ+ community, advocating for the reproductive rights of marginalized individuals, and integrating midwifery care into its curriculum made me feel confident that I would leave residency training as a well-rounded Ob/Gyn physician. Lastly, as a proud alum of Bryn Mawr College, returning home to serve the diverse and vibrant people of Philadelphia was always a dream of mine. Jefferson is such a special place and I feel so privileged for the opportunity to learn and grow here.
Deirdre Buckley, MD
University of Massachusetts Medical School
When considering residency programs, there were core factors that were important to me. I wanted to join a program that had a supportive, passionate, and close-knit environment among residents. It was crucial to me to be in a program where there was a commitment to the community, to advocacy, and to providing high quality, compassionate care for all patients, including people with substance use disorder in pregnancy. I wanted to join a program with comprehensive family planning and abortion care training. Finally, I'm still figuring out my future career path and wanted to be in a program with opportunities to be involved in Maternal-Fetal-Medicine research. I found all of these components in the Jefferson OB/Gyn Residency Program! The strong relationships between residents and the program's commitment to the community and the full spectrum of reproductive health care shone through on interview day. I am so excited to join the Philadelphia community and to be an OB/Gyn resident at Jefferson!
Tara Cahanap, MD
Thomas Jefferson University, Sidney Kimmel Medical College
In looking for a residency program, I knew I wanted to be somewhere that would support and align with my goals, both as a provider and as an individual. I chose OB/Gyn because I felt it crucial as a first-generation Filipino-American woman to take part in the evolution of reproductive healthcare; Jefferson is a place that understands the importance of advocacy, lifetime learning, and intersectionality in the furthering of this incredible field. It is a place where excellence in academic/surgical training is held in the same regard as the pursuit of providing equitable healthcare, especially with regard to abortion care and the reproductive justice. Furthermore, Jefferson seeks to reflect a diversity that is abundant in its patient population and is equipped, ready, and eager to commit themselves to the underserved and high-risk populations seen throughout Philadelphia. I wanted to be part of a program that emphasizes community amongst its providers and its patients; Jefferson truly seeks to strengthen those bonds, all while recognizing that an evolving healthcare landscape requires a team that chooses to better themselves every day, every week, and every year.
Victoria Diamond, MD
Florida State University, College of Medicine
I chose Jefferson to complete my residency training for many reasons. I believe that Jefferson stands apart from other programs through its strong resident camaraderie and commitment to the diverse patient population of Philadelphia. I was looking for a strong academic program with a close-knit community feel, and Jefferson has just that. I was drawn to this program for its incredibly supportive environment and genuine vested interest of the faculty members. I am confident that I will receive amazing training, have the opportunity to pursue a fellowship if that is what I decide, and most importantly be supported along the way. I know that when I graduate I will be a confident, competent physician and a better person for having trained at Jefferson.
Julie Gomez, MD
Thomas Jefferson University, Sidney Kimmel Medical College
There are many reasons why I chose Jefferson. First, the faculty and residents are supportive and genuinely care about well-being outside of the hospital. The residents are passionate about learning and enjoy working with each other, which makes going to work every day something to look forward to. As a student here, I was fortunate to see firsthand the great training and preparation for a career after residency including private practice, academic medicine, and fellowship. Research is important to me and something I plan to continue through residency. There are ample research opportunities and enthusiastic faculty who are delighted to mentor. Lastly, using EPIC was important to me because of the integration between outpatient and inpatient care and record sharing from surrounding hospitals. I am very thankful and excited to continue my training at Jefferson.
Isabelle Levin, MD
Thomas Jefferson University, Sidney Kimmel Medical College
I was so excited to open my envelope on match day and see that I would be staying at Jefferson for residency! As a medical student here, it was evident to me that there is an incredible camaraderie amongst the residents and a sincere commitment to reproductive justice, both of which were vital to me when considering where I wanted to complete my training. Additionally, the close relationship between physician and midwives at Jefferson is truly unparalleled. It was because I had the opportunity to work with the midwives at Jefferson that I asked each and every program I interviewed with about the opportunity to train with midwives. I am also interested in pursuing a fellowship, so the incredible research and mentorship opportunities at Jefferson further influenced my decision. Finally, I chose Jefferson because I have loved serving the diverse patient population in Philadelphia and I truly feel so lucky that I will continue to do so for the next four years!
Shelby Murphy, MD
Univerity of Florida, College of Medicine
When looking at residency programs, I focused on the program's community, values, and excellence in training. Before even interviewing at Jefferson, I had mentors from my medical school tell me how much they loved and admired many of the Jefferson OB/GYN physicians. While interviewing at Jeff I felt kindness and authenticity which inspired excitement for my interviewers to become my community of colleagues and friends. Another important piece of the puzzle was that the program I attended shared my values in support of the LGBTQ+ community and women's reproductive rights. This department's four-year family planning curriculum and desire to grow its transgender care proved that our goals align. Lastly, Philadelphia is a really cool city and I wanted to venture far from my Florida home for the next chapter of my life!
Ariana Spiegel, MD
Eastern Virginia Medical School
I wanted a residency program that values reproductive autonomy and justice, physician advocacy, and intersectionality. Additionally, I sought a program that is committed to developing residents into champions for health equity in their community. Jefferson is just that! Here, I am equipped to become an excellent clinician and surgeon while training with outstanding physicians and midwives, intentional and thoughtful program leadership, and a genuinely caring and encouraging resident family. I am excited to work with them, learn from, and advocate for all my patients and their families from Philadelphia and beyond!
Adrian Chiem, MD
The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
When I applied to residency, I looked for a few things in particular: 1) a diverse patient population that appropriately reflects its location, 2) a supportive and familial vibe among the residents, 3) a dedication to comprehensive Family Planning, and 4) a clinical education provided by both OB/GYNs and midwives in tandem. Jefferson has all those things. As Philadelphia's healthcare landscape continues to shift, I feel beyond lucky to be with a group of residents who are looking to grow and step up to the plate to provide just and equitable reproductive care.
Celeste Chitters, MD
University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine
There are so many factors that go into choosing the right residency program. For me, Jefferson had everything I was looking for clinically: a rigorous clinical training, robust family planning experience and a very diverse patient population. After the interview day and meeting the residents, I felt like I had found a place where my co-residents would become my friends and chosen family which was also of the utmost importance. I saw how much the residents cared for each other and I knew that I would fit in well and enjoy my four years. It was very important to me to find a program that not only would help me become a competent and confident clinician but also a place where I could grow as a person and enjoy my time in residency. I think I have absolutely found that.
Santosh Coorg, MD
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School - Piscataway
Even through virtual interviews, the camaraderie and determination of everyone I met at Jefferson was practically tangible. Not only did I want to work and learn with these individuals, but I wanted to be friends with them. I was struck by the focus on the Philadelphia community, and knew if I trained at Jeff, I'd be well prepared to help women from all walks of life. Through clinical experiences such as the Jefferson Latina Clinic, or Planned Parenthood, I am eager to work with women who had previously been overlooked by the medical system. I couldn't be happier to be at Jeff!
Angela Frankel, MD
Tufts University School of Medicine
Jefferson was the perfect match for my residency for many reasons. Jefferson boasts an incredibly supportive and tight-knit community. My co-residents share a commitment to working with underserved communities, and are passionate about incorporating a social justice framework throughout their approach to patient care. Jefferson is also unique for the multitude of opportunities offered in Family Planning, scholarly research, advocacy, as well as subspecialty exposure. One of my leading motivations for pursuing Ob/Gyn is providing abortion care, and Jefferson provides a longitudinal family planning curriculum woven throughout all 4 years of residency, which will allow me to provide comprehensive family planning care confidently after graduating from residency. Finally, I was incredibly excited to work with and learn from midwives who provide a patient-centered approach to caring for pregnant patients on labor and delivery. For all of these reasons, I’m incredibly grateful to have a home here!
Maryam Khan, MD
University of Texas Medical Branch School of Medicine
When interviewing for residency, I was seeking a few key characteristics, all of which Jefferson fulfilled. Coming from Texas, I knew I wanted to train at an institution with a strong foundation in family planning training that was committed to the continuous pursuit of reproductive justice. Jefferson is a Ryan Program, and many faculty members here are committed to providing equitable reproductive healthcare. Jefferson also serves a diverse and underserved patient population, though this presents many challenges, it also provides an opportunity to advocate and care for some of the most marginalized in Philadelphia. A unique aspect of this program is that we spend a significant amount of time learning the art of labor and delivery from midwives. Everyone has been supportive of my learning and growth thus far, and I'm so incredibly happy to be a part of the Jefferson family!
Megan Raymond, MD
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Being raised in the Philly area, I was so excited to be able to return for residency and be close to friends and family. Jefferson is an academic hospital with a community hospital feel. Being located in the heart of Center City, we serve a patient population truly representative of the diversity of Philadelphia, and it is a privilege to serve this community. We work closely with our midwives who are deeply embedded with the underserved patient communities through their work with the Philadelphia Health Centers. I have an interest in research and high-risk pregnancy care and Jefferson's residency program works very closely with the renowned Maternal-Fetal Medicine department and the MFM fellows. Becoming competent at family planning was also a goal of mine for residency, and we have ample clinical opportunities rotating through Planned Parenthood and the Philadelphia Women's Center. It is an exciting time to be at Jefferson, as we expand our opportunities for gynecologic surgery exposure at Methodist Hospital in South Philly in addition to our Center City location, and I'm excited to see the program grow even more over the next four years.
Dante Varotsis, MD
Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
I chose Jefferson because of the faculty and the residents. You will work a lot of hours with these people, and you want to have friends and role models surrounding you. Also, I am undecided about my fellowship path (or not doing one) and I wanted exposure to everything, while also having the ability to go into anything. I have been connected with a mentor in MFM/Medical Genetics as an intern! I also wanted strong, well-rounded generalist training, which I think is a massive strength here. Jefferson's use of EPIC as its EMR and having the two primary clinical sites where residents work 10 min from each other also made training here very appealing as it is nice to not have to travel far to work and being able to utilize the same EMR. I feel very fortunate to be at Jefferson.