Visitor Vaccine Policy
Information updated: October 4, 2021
Thomas Jefferson University requires all campus visitors 18 years of age and older to attest that they are fully vaccinated at least two weeks before coming onto campus. This requirement is consistent with the City of Philadelphia regulations regarding visitors and vaccination on college campuses, and helps the University keep its students, staff, faculty and visitors safe when they are on our property. All visitors must complete an online vaccination attestation form (link below) prior to their visit. Visitors must also bring proof of vaccination to campus and be prepared to present it to a University official if requested. The vaccination attestation form takes only a few moments to complete. You do not have to upload any documents and your information is completely confidential. You will receive an email confirmation of your submission.
All campus visitors, regardless of age, must wear a mask when in any building on the Jefferson campus.
University Vendors and Contract Employees
University vendors and contract employees must follow the Jefferson COVID-19 Vendor Vaccine Policy, which can be accessed via MyJeffHub.
Guest Instructors, Invited Speakers, and Individuals Invited to Campus in Connection with University Business
As of October 15, 2021, these individuals must be fully vaccinated (at least two weeks after final dose) with an FDA- or WHO-authorized vaccine, and must demonstrate proof of vaccination to a University official if requested.
- Note: for Pennsylvania campus sites that are outside of Philadelphia, the policy implementation date is October 29, 2021.
- Note: for the Voorhees, New Jersey campus, the policy implementation date is October 29, 2021, but unvaccinated individuals would have to be tested weekly between September 7, 2021 and October 29, 2021.
Family Members Visiting Students on Campus
As of October 15, 2021, all family members visiting students on campus must be fully vaccinated (at least two weeks after final dose) with an FDA- or WHO-authorized vaccine, and must demonstrate proof of vaccination to a University official if requested.
Guests at University Events (admissions, athletics, performances, conferences, symposia, lectures)
As of October 15, 2021, these individuals must be fully vaccinated (at least two weeks after final dose) with an FDA-or WHO-authorized vaccine, and must demonstrate proof of vaccination to a University official if requested.
Representatives from Government or Regulatory Agencies
As of October 15, 2021, these individuals must be fully vaccinated (at least two weeks after final dose) with an FDA- or WHO-authorized vaccine, and must demonstrate proof of vaccination to a University official if requested. Representatives may be exempted from a vaccine requirement by their employer following the exemption process detailed in the Jefferson COVID-19 Vendor Vaccine Policy (referenced above).