During normal business hours, you can reach an attorney by dialing 215-955-8585. Tell the receptionist that you must speak with an attorney regarding a patient care issue. If you need to speak with an attorney after 5 p.m. during the week, or over the weekend, call the TJUH page operator and ask to speak to the attorney on call.

General Legal Affairs
1101 Market Street
Jefferson Tower, Suite 2400
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-955-8585
- 215-923-3613 (fax)
General Legal Affairs Division
The General Legal Affairs division provides comprehensive legal services to Thomas Jefferson University and its affiliates.
The division has been structured to provide a broad spectrum of practice expertise in numerous areas unique to universities and healthcare institutions. Such areas include litigation, transactional law (e.g., joint ventures and practice acquisitions), fraud and abuse, patient care issues, labor and employment, pensions and tax law, and employment and contract matters.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you receive a subpoena for medical records, please consult your departmental administrator, who should have a copy of TJU’s policy on the release of medical records. If you receive any other type of legal correspondence, please contact University Counsel at 215-955-8585 and ask to speak with an attorney.
While the Office of University Counsel provides legal services on behalf of the university and not individual employees, our office would be glad to refer you to outside counsel.
If you are sued for malpractice, and you work for TJU or JUP, you should immediately contact the Office of Risk Management at 215-955-6935 or University Counsel at 215-955-8585.