Legal Service Requests
1101 Market Street
Jefferson Tower, Suite 2400
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-955-8585
- 215-923-3613 (fax)
The Office of Legal Affairs' Legal Service Request (LSR) Portal is a robust tool available to our business partners to request legal services. In addition, the LSR Portal permits you to share and upload documents, to monitor the status of existing LSRs and Matters, and to collaborate with the Office of Legal Affairs, all in one convenient electronic platform.
To access this resource, navigate to the Jefferson LSR Portal. At the prompt, enter your campus key and password to be directed to the LSR Portal homepage.
Key Features of the Legal Service Request Portal
- LSRs will automatically be routed to the appropriate Office of Legal Affairs' subject-matter experts, based on the information submitted.
- Each LSR Requester will receive a confirmation email when (i) the LSR has been submitted to Office of Legal Affairs, and (ii) when the LSR has been assigned to an Office of Legal Affairs' attorney.
- Each LSR Requester will have access to the LSRs and Matters for which he/she is listed as a “Requester” or a “Participant.”
- Requesters may access the LSR Portal to track the status and progress of each LSR and Matter, and to communicate directly with the assigned attorney.
For any questions or concerns, please call the Office of Legal Affairs at 215-955-8585, or email Patricia Musumeci, and your inquiry will be routed appropriately.