Conflicts of Interest


Name: Jefferson Conflicts of Interest
Organization: Office of Legal Affairs
Contact Number(s):


Name: Office of Legal Affairs

1101 Market Street
Jefferson Tower, Suite 2400
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact Number(s):

Jefferson’s Conflicts of Interest process is one of the important tools we provide to members of the Jefferson community to help everyone, including patients, students, and the public, judge for themselves whether particular relationships may influence decisions we make when carrying out Jefferson-related responsibilities.

Duties to Disclose Relationships

Disclosing relationships and activities is one of the most effective means through which to demonstrate an ongoing commitment to integrity and transparency. Members of Jefferson’s community have a continuing obligation to disclose fully all relationships and activities that may impact their Jefferson-related work.

How to Disclose Relationships

Certain relationships and activities related to Jefferson require a Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure, which must be completed through Jefferson’s secure COI Disclosure system. Employees and affiliates are responsible for submitting their COI disclosure annually and update their disclosure as new activities or relationships arise or change. Campus Key holders may access additional information by visiting the ONE Jefferson - Compliance - Conflict of Interest page.

Need Help? For more information or assistance with your COI disclosure, please call 215-503-6300 or email


To learn more about Jefferson's Conflicts of Interest and Commitment Program, read our frequently asked questions (PDF).


Conflicts of Interest Policies:

The following policies are found within PolicyStat - available on ONE intranet, via Jefferson network (requiring Jefferson Campus Key credentials). Otherwise, if you do not have a Campus Key, please contact for compliance questions.


Gift Policy:

Training Opportunities

Researcher Required Training

Researchers at Jefferson are required to complete Conflicts of Interest training through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Program. Additional information about CITI Training and instructions for registration.

Public Disclosure Requests

Public disclosures may be requested in writing, using this form: Public Disclosure Requests Form (DOC).

Being open about the intersection between your Jefferson-related responsibilities and certain personal financial interests, relationships, or activities helps our organization maintain its stellar reputation for integrity. Thank you for your ongoing cooperation.

Research projects at Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health (“Jefferson”) that are funded by an agency of the Public Health Service (PHS), such as the National Institutes of Health, must ensure public access to certain information about conflicts of interest that have been disclosed to Jefferson and reported to the funding agency. U.S. regulations allow anyone to request information about a conflict of interest held by senior or key personnel on a PHS-funded research project.

Public accessibility requests must be in writing by using the form below. Please provide as much information as possible about your request.

Jefferson’s Conflicts of Interest Committee will not assign a dollar range value to a Significant Financial Interest if it cannot readily determine its value through reference to public prices or other reasonable means, to determine fair market value.

We will respond to requests via the manner you select on the form within five business days and will include information required to be disclosed by the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.

For additional information or assistance with requesting financial conflicts of interest information, contact 215-503-6300 or