Health Mentors Program

Program Contact Information

Name: Jefferson Health Mentors Program
Contact Number(s):


Name: Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice & Education
Department: Thomas Jefferson University

130 South Ninth Street
Suite 1839
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Contact Number(s):

Be a Health Mentor

Volunteering as a Health Mentor in the Health Mentors Program (HMP) gives you the opportunity to help teach students how various health professional roles complement one another in relation to patient-centered care. 

As a Health Mentor, you can:

  • Have flexible options
  • Develop meaningful relationships with students at Jefferson
  • Share your experiences with others
  • Read about other mentors and teams of students
  • Play a role in training future health professionals

After 50 years of navigating the medical maze as a patient, I realized that I had never taken the time to really think about what I thought worked and what needed fixing. And here I was with the opportunity to do it with some folks that one day will have a chance to do something about it! Very cool.

Interested in Participating?

Please review the Roles and Responsibilities (PDF).

Program Contacts: If you have questions about applying to become a Health Mentor, or would like more information, please email HMP@jefferson.edu.