Operational Notes & Procedures
Fixed assets are defined as meeting one or more criteria:
- New building construction
- Renovations to buildings and equipment that extend the useful life
- Equipment having a cost of $5,000 or more (per item) with an estimated useful life greater than one year (whether purchased outright or via capital lease)
- Software acquisitions having a cost of $5,000 or more (per item) including the costs to install and implement (both new software and vendor upgrades) with an estimated useful
Safeguarding University assets is critical.
- Moveable equipment is recorded on PeopleSoft Financials
- Physical inventory of moveable equipment performed to verify
- asset's existence, use and need
- location (building and room)
- responsible department
Ensuring Success Tidbits
- Affix asset tags to equipment purchased with Federal funds and provide asset tag number to Enterprise Finance for recording in property records
- Throughout life of asset, forward timely asset location changes, department change, and disposal instructions to assets@jefferson.edu
- Conduct and certify required physical inventory
- Lead periodic walk-throughs to observe assets
- Review fixed assets activity on financial systems
- Jefferson research equipment