Current Residents
1000 Walnut Street
Suite 103
Philadelphia, PA 19107
- 215-955-8913
- 215-923-1981 (fax)
Housing Commitment for Current Students
Timeline for Housing Commitment:
2025-2026 Academic Year
December 2024 - March 2025
All current residents will need to decide if they are going to Renew, Transfer, or Terminate their current Housing Contract/Lease Agreement. Housing Commitment will open on Monday, December 9th, 2024 and it will end on Friday, March 14th, 2025.
Renew: Students enrolled in a Full-Time program, Jefferson affiliates and employees that maintain their affiliation from July 2025-June 2026 that are looking to remain in their current unit are eligible to apply for a renewal. If you renew your Housing Contract/Lease Agreement you do not need to pay a new security deposit.
Transfer: Students enrolled in a Full-Time program, Jefferson affiliates and employees that maintain their affiliation from July 2025-June 2026 that are looking to switch buildings or down/up size to a different unit are eligible to apply for a transfer. You are not eligible to transfer from your same room type within your building. You may go from one building to another if the same room type is available. If you decide to transfer, your current unit will need to pass a room inspection before selecting a new unit. If you pass the room inspection, you will be able to participate in Transfer Housing Selection and you will need to pay a new $250 security deposit (Barringer & Orlowitz ONLY).
Following the March 14th deadline, all residents who requested to transfer and meet all the neccessary criteria will be placed into Transfer Housing Selection to select their new unit. Residents will receive an email prior to Transfer Housing Selection that contains information about the process and the time slot for when to log into the Housing Portal to select a new unit. Transfer Housing Selection will take place on Friday, April 4th, 2025 and it will end on Monday, April 7th, 2025. If the resident does not select a space during Transfer Housing Selection, the resident must email the Office of Residential Life to terminate their contract.
Terminate: Any current resident that does not want to continue living on campus must complete a termination agreement. All current Housing Contracts/Lease Agreements end on June 30, 2025.
Graduating residents looking to terminate their Housing Agreement before June 30th need to apply for an Early Termination. The Early Termination date is May 31st. The Early Termination Application is found within the Terminate term on the Housing Portal.
March 14th, 2025 is the final deadline for current residents to participate in Housing Commitment and complete the Center City Application. After March 14th, the Housing Commitment process will close and the terms will no longer be accessible to current residents. Any student who does not complete a Renewal, Transfer or Termination application will automatically forfeit their $250.00 security deposit.
Housing is available for current residents in Martin Hall for Summer 2025. Residents terminating but needing summer housing need to apply for Summer Housing via the Housing Portal. The form for Summer housing is linked at the end of the Termination application.
Those currently living in Martin Hall will have the option of remaining in their current unit for the summer at the summer rate. Those currently living in Barringer & Orlowitz and looking to extend their 2024-2025 Housing Contract through the summer, will need to apply for Summer Housing in Martin Hall. Housing Contract extensions are not offered in Barringer & Orlowitz.